Dormant Alcove - Spatial Opener consumed by reopening sand pile

I was opening the sand piles, not realizing my inventory had become full. As a result, I was forced to open one of the piles twice to finish looting after clearing space. It consumed another opener so now I am one opener short to complete the piles and the Achievement.


Big yikes here. Note to self have the bag space when I get to this part. Thanks for posting about this bug.

This also happened to me.

Same happened here.

I could have written this myself. Here was my GM ticket:

I had all 7 spatial openers in my bags for all piles. I had full bags when looting the sand piles and could not loot a trinket. I emptied bags with jeeves then relooted the sand pile to grab trinket. I went to unlock final sand pile and realized it used my last opener to open the sand pile i had already done.

same thing here

Same thing happened to me. Had all 7 openers. Blew one reopening a pile due to full bags.

Same thing ended up happening to me. Reported it to a GM and nothing could be done because it wasn’t yet recognized as a bug.

Apparentlly this can also happen if someone else is looting the pile or attempts to at the same time. There was some shamen looting one of the piles, I went to open it, the pile disappeared and I got nothing. Not sure if the shaman did that intentionally, he was just kneeling there, stuck in looting animation, not moving til I got there. Now there is one pile I cannot open with no way to regain the lost spatial opener. Please fix, Blizzard.


Having same issue loot at same time as other now I am short openers

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Same here, submitted a ticket and they told me there is no resolution yet. Please fix.

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Can confirm this is occurring as of this reset

Had the same issue as this happen to me also, very frustrating…!

Same thing happened to me. No fix yet Blizz? Seems it would be easy enough to mail the unlooted items from the sand piles like looting mobs and bosses. That would at least keep it from happening to others. Then allow GMs to refund a Spatial Opener when requested.

Spatial Openers are now for sale!!!
200 Cyphers from Olea Manu same one that sells the Olea Cache