Doomrider Helgrim

Been camped for over 30 minutes at the location for Doomrider Helgrim. The WQ is not activating and there has been no spawn for the NPC. Looking back through the forum posts, apparently this is not the first time this problem has come up.


Yep, same here. Taking forever to respawn.

He seems to only want to spawn when he is NOT a WQ, yesterday he was spawning regularly. Been like this for him since they made WQ’s out in Arathi.

Some people say to turn on warmode or realm hop, neither works. I know a lot of people have put in bug reports but guess blizz has other priorities.

Thing is, when he is bugged like this, it is 1 less service medal for the day.


Having the same problem. There are a ton of us who have been out here camping for ages.


Last night, that worked for me and a few guildmates. Helgrim was there as soon as I arrived with WM on.

I noticed this tonight as well; he never spawned.

Good to see he still isn’t fixed a month after this bug started occurring.

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Just happened to one of my characters. I had to join a quest for a different mission to hop to a different server where he was already spawned. Glad the only workaround to the developers’ bug is to irritate other players by joining a quest you are not really there for.

Oddly enough, this worked for me as well. I originally had warmode off, and once I turned it back on and came back, Doomrider Helgrim was already spawned. Could simply be luck.

That only makes me suspect that Warmode is what is bugged and causing these errors. Not sure why Warmode players get a spawn and non-Warmode players have a butchered, rotting carcas just sitting there that never seems to go away.

Also experiencing this bug. Waited 20 minutes and he did not spawn. Spawned just fine the other days when he wasn’t the objective for the WQ.

I waited for 45 minutes yesterday, now half hr today. Still no spawn for his world quest. There are lots of people here waiting, many longer than I was willing to.

Warmode on is just a different phase/server basically. The same as using group finder to phase to another realm to escape this issue.

Currently broken on US-QT warmode off…

I have never experienced so many perpetual bugs in an expansion ever. Quests not spawning, credit not being given, world bosses not giving loot or rolls, warfront scenarios constantly bugged. etc etc etc. Garbage expansion all around

Also experiencing this particular issue.

2nd day he’s been a WQ 2nd day he has not spawned. In or out of Warmode.

Trying to get the mount he drops, and I can’t find him. In or out of warmode.