Cojo I remember you guys, I was Fallenflesh!. I played with you and Piro , Squal and Dhef. Find me next time your on.
I don’t really remember anyone here, not sure if anyone remembers me. :3
Coco, I remember you! I think I ran with you quite a few times on one of my too many toons Joree was usually my main, though.
I remeber you from legends, the MC raids
I totally remember you!
Demein - Human HPal from Umbra and Tier Zero checking in.
Rar / Drow
Asmo - Warrior
Magemo - Mage
Played with lots of pugs looking for people from the old days hit me up!
Sounds like fun.
@ Joree<The Brotherhood Of Kharn>
You should they were/are a kick tail raid leader.
Played a small amount in vanilla, mostly BC and wrath.
Chinges-Night Elf Hunter, was my main in BC.
Alexmograine- Human DK was my main in wrath.
Looking for any old Drow buddies - this is Blickz the Gnome Warlock. I remember Jugg the Gnome Warlock, Deggz the Dwarf Paladin, Cel, Hexagram, Zach, Cileh, Sydric and the rest of the US10 World 24 Kil’Jaeden kill in Sunwell.
Ahh, you still have your original hunter at level 120?! I remember you. Rach, you helped me play a hunter better haha
miss running with Drow. Me and Manny used to do stuff with you guys all the time. I played a mage named Jgross and a pally named Sagrado.
Kek. We were in Lux Aeterna together. I was the prot paladin tank Bravex. Weren’t you buddies with Madmaximus and that ret paladin? Quickchick was our GM. We spent like 20 hours a week doing hyjal and BT. I forgot the name of the warrior MT. That whole guild was awesome. Pretty sure we played a bit together in WotLK too.
Let’s see, my main Bloodtalon was a paladin. I was in Umbra during Classic. I was also raiding with The Applesauce Gang and their “Bobbing For Epics” (BFE) raiding group.
Man, what a different age of WoW that was.
Edit: If anyone comes back to this, I’m playing a horde warrior on Atiesh - DarqKnight
Can also add me on bnet Bloodtalon#1250
Evershine. Druid. Member of Drow
Konway. Druid. Member of Juggernaut
You can find me on “Preystation-Doomhammer” on Retail.
Bro I remember you, my name was Magnius! I was a human rogue. I never raided, I remember talking to you some. It’s okay if you don’t remember me lmao. I think you raided with my mom or something, Tassia NE druid
Main: Everlorn - 60 Rogue, was in The Nights Watch (Aussie Guild) but in Rar later on, or might of been Umbra.
hey get a hold of me! or FizzyElf #1610
AH yes! We remember you! I will totally try and find you. How have you been?!