Silly, wrong avatar!
Hello Falla
Nitestorm Tank / Resto Druid currently play classic on remulos as Midnité
Btag #Niteshade11545
Hello lil E /hugs
Nitestorm druid
Challen Pally
Btag #Niteshade11545
I know one of the Aussies was EviltoLive, a warrior and I know he got GM on his Lock as well
Jordbob From Tier Zero, later Scorned. Warlock
I remember Kari, Kerrian*, Tiesto, BotaX (BO-TA-EEEEXXXXXSSSS), Croaker, EviltoLive… Hmmmmmmm
I wiped our Razorgore fight on the pull my first time ever raiding with Tier Zero in BWL. Turns out, Eye of Kilrogg CAN pull agro.
Ahh yes Hey Dalrec And yes Xturnal was the bounciest druid ever lol
I haven’t seen any mention of the old crew I used to hang with. Still want to add my old toons here just in case. Sadly, I don’t remember our guild name and I was just a kid back then. But, I ran with my parents, best known as Dreamwizard (gnome mage) and Padraig (NE druid).
I had a couple toons that I played back and forth…
Macbaby - Gnome Mage
Tinkrbell - NE Hunter
Naramoon - NE Druid
Was hoping to get in contact with a few of our old guild mates if they are still playing or are coming back for Classic: Blahanna (SP?) - Human Rogue, Warangel, Vesten.
Feel free to add me on BNet : LittleMoose#11591. <3
Zairule, NE Hunter.
Mostly ran with Iron Exercere, Hope to run into some old Doomhammer friends!
Hey Jen, I was in IE with you for quite awhile. Zairule, NE Hunter.
Glad to see you here!
I remember your hunter for sure, we were in Iron Exercere, I was also a hunter.
Croaker Checking In! Playing on Aetish.
Hey Zairule I remember you now. Yes we were in Iron Exercere. Man that was a long time ago.
Joree!! I remember you too. Nice to see you. What server you on now? I’m on Westfall. But i’m missing PvP already.
I played with dhefraven and squall, I remember your name as well… I’m Haruspex nelf druid was in Dhef’s guild but I forget what our name was. Playing horde now on benediction
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I remember you. Good to see you around!
SAINT! It’s Kaux < Crimson Faith’s second best/worst human rogue>! Just got back into the game and was wondering if anyone was still playing. I’m still lurking around Doomhammer if anyone wants to say hi!
I have two toons in Crimson Faith - Wiinkin and Katiz . Are Izy and Karawen still kicking around somewhere?
Dellidorn and Elistra are still around IRL but stopped playing about a decade ago.
Crazy to think it’s been so long!
Luna luna luna. Vodka crew was my guild…
Last I heard Sut retired from WoW all together, not sure anyone else from Medina. I am on Doomhammer still on my lock and on Pagle in Classic.
I found this post so late but
Stefani/Moragina/Braelynn checking in!
Bladestorm is still around although not playing anymore
Tier Zero
Mora #1638
hiiiiiiii. vacco here. I’ve recently been told i might have autism. This game in 2004-2006 was my only outlet to the world. I had so much fun with so many people! Miss alot of yah.