Doomhammer Alliance Reconnections

Silly, wrong avatar!

Hello Falla :slight_smile:
Nitestorm Tank / Resto Druid currently play classic on remulos as Midnité
Btag #Niteshade11545

Hello lil E /hugs
Nitestorm druid
Challen Pally
Btag #Niteshade11545

I know one of the Aussies was EviltoLive, a warrior and I know he got GM on his Lock as well

Jordbob From Tier Zero, later Scorned. Warlock

I remember Kari, Kerrian*, Tiesto, BotaX (BO-TA-EEEEXXXXXSSSS), Croaker, EviltoLive… Hmmmmmmm

I wiped our Razorgore fight on the pull my first time ever raiding with Tier Zero in BWL. Turns out, Eye of Kilrogg CAN pull agro. :smiley:

Ahh yes Hey Dalrec :slight_smile: And yes Xturnal was the bounciest druid ever lol

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I haven’t seen any mention of the old crew I used to hang with. Still want to add my old toons here just in case. Sadly, I don’t remember our guild name and I was just a kid back then. But, I ran with my parents, best known as Dreamwizard (gnome mage) and Padraig (NE druid).

I had a couple toons that I played back and forth…

Macbaby - Gnome Mage
Tinkrbell - NE Hunter
Naramoon - NE Druid

Was hoping to get in contact with a few of our old guild mates if they are still playing or are coming back for Classic: Blahanna (SP?) - Human Rogue, Warangel, Vesten.

Feel free to add me on BNet : LittleMoose#11591. :slight_smile: <3

Zairule, NE Hunter.
Mostly ran with Iron Exercere, Hope to run into some old Doomhammer friends!

Hey Jen, I was in IE with you for quite awhile. Zairule, NE Hunter.
Glad to see you here!

I remember your hunter for sure, we were in Iron Exercere, I was also a hunter.

Croaker Checking In! Playing on Aetish.

Hey Zairule I remember you now. Yes we were in Iron Exercere. Man that was a long time ago. :slight_smile:

Joree!! I remember you too. Nice to see you. What server you on now? I’m on Westfall. But i’m missing PvP already.

I played with dhefraven and squall, I remember your name as well… I’m Haruspex nelf druid was in Dhef’s guild but I forget what our name was. Playing horde now on benediction

Sorry it took me so long to reply. I remember you. Good to see you around!

SAINT! It’s Kaux < Crimson Faith’s second best/worst human rogue>! Just got back into the game and was wondering if anyone was still playing. I’m still lurking around Doomhammer if anyone wants to say hi!

I have two toons in Crimson Faith - Wiinkin and Katiz . Are Izy and Karawen still kicking around somewhere?

Dellidorn and Elistra are still around IRL but stopped playing about a decade ago.

Crazy to think it’s been so long!

Luna luna luna. Vodka crew was my guild…

Last I heard Sut retired from WoW all together, not sure anyone else from Medina. I am on Doomhammer still on my lock and on Pagle in Classic.

I found this post so late but
Stefani/Moragina/Braelynn checking in!
Bladestorm is still around although not playing anymore
Tier Zero
Mora #1638

hiiiiiiii. vacco here. I’ve recently been told i might have autism. This game in 2004-2006 was my only outlet to the world. I had so much fun with so many people! Miss alot of yah.

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