Doomburst talent is a game breaking bug

Doomburst unholy pvp talent is bugged in 3 ways and it’s been like this since the start of dragonflight. This is because doomburst isn’t properly coded to work with improved death coil. We need to get more awareness on this so that blizz can fix it right now.

  1. it is not cleaving with improved death coil. It pops the wounds of the first target hit by a sudden doom death coil and not both. It should cleave just going off what the tooltip says. If it’s not supposed to cleave, then at least force it to only work on the main target and not the off target. Sometimes it pops the wounds on pets and not the kill target.

  2. It only gives 1 stack of festermight when you pop 2 wounds, not 2.

  3. There is a GAME BREAKING bug where doomburst instantly oneshots the target you use it on. This is caused by doomburst not working properly with improved death coil.

This time, the bug is far more detrimental to gameplay - here are some screenshots and a video:


In this video, you will see the most likely culprit to the bug, which is the cleave interaction happening with the death coil talent “improved death coil.” My guess is that since doomburst was added in Shadowlands, and improved death coil was added in Dragonflight, they never properly coded the cleave interaction with death coil and doomburst which creates this crazy bug, as well as the ones I mentioned in the opening post.

Nonetheless, here’s what causes this bug. If you look closely and the pet unit frame right under the dk, you will see that it’s about to die. When the enemy dk uses their sudden doom doomburst proc, the death coil cleaves onto the pet and instantly kills it(however, the wounds did not burst since the pet died to the initial death coil hit). What then happens is that the wounds that were supposed to pop on the pet, then magically pop onto the dk, along with the wounds already on the DK. Some freaky stuff for sure.

I strongly believe this is the case since i witnessed it myself when testing the dk changes on ptr.


16 wounds popped in the same global. the dk was running doomburst that game. I’m not sure why 16 wounds were burst this one is a bit crazy.

Screenshot from video

6 wound pops followed by the death coil in the same global so you know that it’s a doomburst proc.

This is a gamebreaking bug that is actually quite simple to abuse, yet most people don’t know about it. If doomburst isn’t fixed to cleave properly, then this is likely to be abused as word of it spreads.

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