not sure exactly, but it should stress the GPU the same. 150% 1440p should be 4k.
Honestly, I think the limitation is on the CPU side, not the GPU side. How long that is the case, I couldn’t say. Monitor technology seems to be outpacing both CPU and GPU development though, so on the positive side: The monitors will be ready when they eventually figure it out.
Maybe for high refresh, but not really 4k
I’m not even sure my rig could do 4k.
RTX 2060, ryzen 7 3600x. Crap monitor though, I’ll be replacing it though but a 4k monitor is expensive lol.
yeah, it can prob do 4k in some games. WoW could do it with some concessions.
Almost no change in FPS - all it did was spike the GPU usage a bit higher. But those 4k/144hz monitors are ridiculously expensive.
At this point it seems like a fun thing to play with (cue the oohs and ahhs), but I’ll be waiting until it’s more mainstream before leaping in. Heck, I just went to 1440p/144hz a year ago and I’m very happy with it.
If your have vsync on, it will stay at the refresh cap.
I did the test a while back and posted results - I don’t remember but I did manage to keep alive 60 even in boralus and in nylotha