Don't you love it when they remove your favorite part of your spec?

Continuing the discussion from Feedback: Monk Updates:

Thanks for removing my absolute favorite thing. :+1:

RIP the fun of Stomp reset procs. You were the best of us.


Fixed-location ground effects with a cd have worked out so well in the past eh.

Also, it means Essence Font is now even more designed to drive you OOM since it’s required to maintain Ancient Teachings.

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i miss the water elemental from frost mage still p much killed my reason 2 play mage lol
its small but that was my buddy.


Yeah, I still miss Double Tap on my marksman hunter. I mean, I know they have their reasons for removing these things. It’s just their reasons are wrong.

Im unsure how i feel about it tbh
Theres a lot of pros and a lot of cons
Its… fine i guess.
But it was nice always having the debuff up

Yeah, but in my case favorite part meant the whole spec. :slightly_frowning_face:

On my MM hunter, I got addicted to the Hellfire Citadel 6.2 tier set. (Aimed shots became instant cast)

Then in legion it felt like a downgrade because losing that tier set was hard.

Frankly they should’ve replaced the 12% dmg amp, not the ability for it to reset. Not gonna ask em to take the ability itself away (even though I personally hate it) but Jadefire Brand needs to get outta here

Then what would the point of the ability even be?

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When they killed hunter melee in wrath/cata, good thing that’s fixed now

Yeah they removed storm of Swords and annihilator from warriors too and I am not happy about it.

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Oh that’s nonsense. The chance for resets is the tradeoff for gluing yourself to a small area.

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Right? What’s even the point now?

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Essence font has been removed in War Within.

Also the OPs link is for WW only, not MW.

Fun, I assume (they could buff the ability to compensate) :stuck_out_tongue:
That specific question makes me wonder how many people are taking Stomp just because of that single damage amp from Jadefire Harmony

I’m personally fine with it being a cooldown ability. But what I really take issue with is that they have icy veins as the cooldown with the water ele just randomly tacked onto it. For one, it’s just so incongruous because there is no logical link between the two things. But mostly I don’t like that the water ele, iconic mage ability from the first warcraft RTS, takes a backseat to a stat buff. That’s just lame.

The cooldown should be Summon Water Elemental. The haste buff should be tacked onto that. And if they have to add some logic to it, just say that the cold chill emanating from the elemental grants you icy veins for its duration. Hey we could then also glyph the damn thing again!

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There were none.

Fixed: We found that something was fun, so we removed it!

Isn’t essence font removed?

Yeah they removed Serenity and now I’m annoyed

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