Don't use copypasta

Some dude complained about something silly on here, like that he couldnt buy more than one level 58 boost or something and it was like 3 paragraphs long and people started to just copy his post as a joke and reply with it to him. Mine was the only copypasta that got deleted and I got a week long ban for it. Appealed the ban and it was upheld lmao.

Just a warning to people on here, you can troll pretty hard and get away with it. a few popular users do nothing but that and have like 8k posts, but just avoid anything that can be labeled as ‘‘spam’’, because that’s the one thing you’ll actually get banned for, and a real life human somewhere will uphold it too because technically it does violate the rules.

Still kinda triggered, not gonna lie lmao, idk HOW people on here make it to thousands of posts based on what they say without getting banned, and I do for trivial things and only have like 100 posts. Weird. Anyway, that is all.

I’ve been suspended twice, for what I thought was innocent jokes. It stings, but it is what it is. Fortunately it’s all temporary. It’s all part of being on the forums lol.

(it really was innocent…i just quoted someone and posted the “old man yells at cloud” Simpsons meme and that got reported for harassment :roll_eyes: )


Yeah my friend got temp banned for this too

I got a suspension upheld when all I posted was “hahaha … where is your Wall of No now?” the day Classic got announced. We got a crack team of moderators here all right. They even lectured me in the appeal response about what it means to be toxic and how high of standards posts on the forums are held too. I laughed so hard it was worth the vacation. :rofl:

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People dogpile report a lot, it’s something i’ve learned early on It’s all automatic and people enjoy reporting those with high post counts or MVPS’s etc. As for upholding it. Yea it’s a better safe then sorry no doubt for the person i’m sure.

Rules and laws suck for this very reason. Indifference and apathy from those enforcing the rules is inevitable, and stupid outcomes are the product.

I sympathize, for all that’s worth…lol.

I did the same on the retail arena forums when a warrior complained warriors were underpowered and needed buffs. It went to like 300 comments and i commented like 10 different copy pastas, got me a week long vacation. Even though half of them had reached like 50 likes, and the OP had like 4. I chalked it up to fighting the good fight.

It’s funny because sometimes you get banned for things that are so stupid, especially with this being an adult game, that you figure it was just automatic and surely a real human would be like: ‘‘yeah that’s dumb i’ll reverse it for you’’.

Then it gets upheld and you’re like BRUH LOL who hurt you???


your feedback accounts for 1, chances are those posters have multiple accounts to focus and bully whomever they please

I’ve had more than a dozen suspensions on this account alone. Most of them frivolous. I’ve been suspended for quoting someone else. I’ve been suspended for the use of a very popular PvP slur. I’ve been suspended for posting a video of a guy flying through WSG with the flag because the player’s name was visible and apparently this is against the ToS (banned me for calling him out but not that guy for literally cheating - gotta love it).

Just roll with the suspensions. 90% of them will be for utterly trivial things. It’s the toll you pay for posting here.

Suspensions are a fact of life here especially if you’ve got a sarcastic sense of humor. I’ve gotten a few. And they weren’t racist, sexist, etc. I’ve just decided to ignore them and plan on a few suspensions a year. I was going to use “perilously close to trolling” as a sig line after a forum moderator sent me this note.

Forum Moderator Note: Video removed as it edges perilously close to trolling. I recommend using some other form of indicating your sarcasm next time.

Oh NO, god forbid a video on the forums falls under trolling lol. Gamers NEVER troll each other. What do people think this is, Xbox live or something?

It was of a baby crying and screaming and I implied it was a video of the person I was responding to. I didn’t get a suspension that time, they just removed the video

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