Twitter only amplifies and give a platform to people. The problem exist even without the platform, people would receive death threats in the mail. This for me is an education problem or a mental problem. Nobody in his right mind should make death threats.
It’s more that a lot of people in general are just a bunch of bastards that are only kept in check by the threat of consequences.
Which with complete anonymity, you can say pretty much anything you want consequence free.
Thus, Twitter happens.
Yes, thank you, couldn’t remember his name.
It’s always amazed me how out of touch with reality some people are that they can’t differentiate between an actor and a character. No one deserves death threats over any aspect of a video game, movie, TV show, etc, but if you’re angry about how a story unfolds an actor or actress isn’t even close to someone you should be complaining to. They show up, are handed a script, read their lines and/or act out their scenes, and then they get paid. They didn’t write the script, they didn’t make creative decisions, they didn’t literally do any of the things their character did, all they did was act out someone else’s vision for the story.
If you don’t like a story then complain to the WRITERS, and do so in a CIVILIZED MANNER.
People are some of the worst people. Be it a sports fan or someone following a TV show. Also don’t forget cases of stalkers who end up harming a celebrity. Go check out Mayu Tomita and what this ‘fan’ did to her.
The overarching problem is why do people feel this kind of entitlement over others? Why do they think that it is okay to dehumanize someone? I think that these are messages and lessons we need to try to convey to our own circles so that we can help minimize cases like these.
Or having social media altogether,
Its why I don’t have Facebook, twitter or whatever Instagram snapchat that people go nuts about,
WoW is more than my “social network” enough for me to enjoy
The guy that played Frank in M.A.S.H received threats and insults because of how much of a jerk his character was.
Oh please humans were garbage before social media.
Couldn’t agree more
ya but the internet made it too easy for them to congregate.
And getting rid of it won’t solve the issue. You’re just throwing the problem to the locals around the unstable person.
That’s not how to solve it
I don’t think this is the point though. Whether or not you have social media, it doesn’t stop these people from doing or saying these type of things. At least through such a platform, we can somehow reprimand such behavior and get people to at least question themselves if their family/community isn’t doing these things.
That’s because many of these people don’t live in the real world. Many of those same people don’t work, don’t have their own place, still live at home, and rarely have relationships in the real world. Their whole existence is online.
This is true, technically we’ve been jerks since Caine and Abel/The first Caveman Neanderthal made a club and started using it for warfare instead of food… which is to say literally 2 seconds into humanity’s inception/conception…
Uhh what…
Didn’t people hate on the actor who played Lando (In Empire Strikes Back) because Lando had to support Darth Vader?
And don’t get me start on the Voice Actor for Jar Jar Binks.
People really take their hatred of their despised characters too far.
I can’t show video of it but the singer Bjork once had a stalker. He became furious when she dated a black person so he tried to send a bomb to her. Recording the process and even his suicide. His plan was to meet up with her in heaven.
Well the idiots smelly corpse alerted the police and his idiocy got them to intercept the package so she’d be safe.
Unstable people existed long before social media so I’m not going to do some boomer “it’s them dang phones” response
( fun fact. The guy blowing his brains out can be seen on youtube )
When I saw the posts she was receiving, I was furious. People need to differentiate between fact and fiction.
I don’t think TLOU2 is a good game. But that’s not the VA’s fault. And no one, not the writer nor the game director nor the developers, deserves to receive death threats over the internet. I’m constantly sickened when I hear about them.
Poor Laura. She’s a phenomenal VA and deserves respect.
The actor that played kid anakin skywalker also was bullied so severely they left acting and have anxiety just being filmed
I heard about this. I’m so horrified that she’s been treated this way, because she’s such a sweet person.
Somebody who likely needs to be investigated, I’d imagine. You shouldn’t get to just walk away from threatening little kids.
I think I was done well before this specific incident, but all the same… you and me both.