Don't take this too seriously but, in Cinderbrew meadery

I know the goblin boss is written like a cartoon villain but did we not remove the B.E.O. from her legally acquired business so that a hobbyist who doesn’t read contracts could get his side gig back?

We killed her. xD

Are we the baddies again?


After barging in and swindling Wenbrandt out of business, Goldie mostly lets her cronies do the work.

The game makes it clear that while Wenbrandt was abit foolish to just trust her, she also wasnt exactly playing fair and “swindled” him of the Meadery.

Even at a minimum she was abusing the bees and was threatening a " focal point of Unbound earthen culture"


One also has to consider that the questline on Dorn emphasizes that the Cinderbrew is one of the Earthen’s most potent weapons against the Nerubians.

The entire Meadery being the hands of an outsider entrepreneur who was just there to make a quick buck could not have come at a worse time.


B.E.Os (CEOs) are not people and therefore we did nothing wrong.

Hope this helps :innocent:


CEOs are no people therefore it wasn’t murder, ergo no crime.



We killed all of her employees too though!

Sometimes it’s just like that in a brewery.

Always make sure you remember to loot during downtime.


I don’t think so. She states at one point he “signed a contract he didn’t read” basically stating that she did indeed swindle a naive Earthen out of his business by pressuring him into signing a contract. She could have cut her losses at any time but chose to go down fighting.

They’re Venture Co. employees. I’m not shedding a tear for the Black Rock merc who thought stealing the local’s natural resources was a morally neutral job.

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See it sounds more to me like he was being irresponsible with his paperwork and she took advantage of that.

I don’t know if that means we should KILL HER to get his small business back. xD

She’s a greedy CEO that took advantage of someone and immediately started practices of animal cruelty for the sake of profit.

Commit not the sin of empathy, she gets the gallows.


She just had a sigma grindset