Dont ruin rogues in SOD phase 4

You’re going to play Phase 4?



And I have responded that classic had 2 viable builders. Then some other dope tried to tell me that wasn’t true and I proved it by the split of Naxx parses at the top of the scale. It wasn’t 50 50. But 9 of the top 25 played daggers and the difference between their numbers wasn’t enough to matter.

They can make this happen again in sod with enough actual effort. Fact is mutilate is over tuned at 40 energy. So they buffed saber and now they buffed backstab. Mutilate was still too good. So now they nerfed mutilate to get it close to the other builders and also bring the damage in line with other classes.

If the builders are as close as they were in classic, it will be possible to use multiple styles. Nothing in sod has ever been that close for the rogue and unlike other classes, warcraft logs doesn’t split rogue damage by builder the way it splits logs for mages by type.

The real question is going to be how many rogues are in your raid. If there are more than 1, one of the rogues will go mutilate to ensure maximum occult up time for casters. Others should be able to whatever spec they want because the baseline occult is set.

If you only have 1 rogue, that rogue is going to play mutilate.

Blizzard out here farming L’s and the phase hasn’t even started yet. Can’t wait to log in and feel weaker at 60 then i did at 50.

mutilate should not be the only option… sorry but it was OP :expressionless:

you wanted to play an untested open beta test of a game mode called DiScOvErY. this is the stuff that happens

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funny how vanilla was able to balance backstab and sinister strike well :expressionless:

problem spotted :expressionless:

Not really.

One was always better. Maybe not by a lot but there was always one better than the other.

It isn’t a matter of better. It is a matter of close enough that it doesn’t matter. Classic Naxx parses top 25 was 9 daggers 16 swords. The output was very similar as well.

I don’t know if the sod team will get the builders and builds to that level of closeness, but to say it can’t happen is ridiculous.

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What about the rest of classic?

Oh god here we go with the simming thing again.

Yeah it simmed higher this patch too but no one used it lmao.

Once again anything that will break the debuff will shoot it down so unless we are doing only target dummy fights we might still find outselves mutilating

By what metric?

Looks like that guy is still living rent free in your head when your best argument to date has been that sword rogues only doubled dagger rogues in the top 25.

Should have just made it 60 energy

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if it’s the only effective option for rogues, then it’s OP :expressionless: rogues are supposed to have different weapon and skill options.

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true, making it 40 energy was always a mistake :expressionless:

Crazy idea… what if different combo builders had different advantage/disadvantages to suit different playstyles, like backstab requiring behind behind the target, mutilate having a high energy cost so you have to use finishers at 4 combo points sometimes, etc.

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That just means it’s strong relative to other options, meaning the other builders could be UP. Given that mutilate rogues have never been the top dps spec in SoD, mutilate very clearly isn’t OP.

Making it 40 energy was the only thing that made it viable.

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Yes it did, I have a rogue that I have been co-maining as well. Still top of the meters and can move on from a 1 button spec without feeling like you are griefing the raid.

Rogues are currently #1 on PTR by a decent margin… Youll be doing double the dps of multiple specs.

Yet still crying?

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No im not.

Good man.

I might go back to Cata but got bored of that quickly as well lol.

Not a fan of the phase 1 raids.