Don't remove Veil of Midnight; just change it to work on Evasion instead

The removal of the trait will just straight up make Rogue worse in pvp. Being able to stealth from combat will become so much harder because basically every physical damage spec has a dot. I think a fair change would be to make it work on Evasion instead, that way you can still get away while still being nerfed because now instead of just using 1 defensive CD to escape, you have to use 2.


Probably should revert the immunity nerf to Vanish.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Rogue should never have had these training wheels to begin with. Feral doesn’t.

Adapt. Counterplay is healthy.


If I were going to pick a training wheel talent, I’m not sure I’d call Veil of Midnight a training wheel talent.

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Feral has training wheel damage so lets call it even.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


The Veil of Midnight removal is basically:

“We’ve designed Rogues to be most effective when coming out of stealth and have decided to make it difficult for you to stealth at any moment outside of the start of combat. You’re welcome.”


If you can’t counter vanish, it’s understandable why you’d celebrate, but since vanish is ALREADY the easiest talent to counter, I am skeptical the nerf will help you. Veil of Midnight doesn’t prevent your counterplay. As a bitter rogue who didn’t enjoy the vanish playstyle before TWW, hated double vanish significantly more, and now (thanks to TWW nerfing alternate builds I was enjoyed during DF) ONLY play rogues with double vanish, I try to ruin every vanish I see and it’s laughably easy. On outlaw, I have a single AOE ability and I will trinket just to blade flurry that rogue out of vanish because it works every time. Now try it with a class like druid that can spam AOE, put up dots, and you can ruin as many vanishes as you like, regardless of the nerf, with trivial effort. Silly druid.


I say make it work on vanish, or at least make it so we are immune from coming out of stealth for a time. That is the thing that is the most broken right now. Let us vanish, grapple away, lick our wounds then come back. May move it from completely remove to lower damage, and you won’t come out of stealth from it for a bit.


Immune from stealth is how subeterfuge kind of used to work. You were three second invisible to enemy players which means three globals to do whatever you wanted without being directly targeted.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Make it work with vanish so we can vanish spells / stormbolt etc again but make it not remove everything just a small 1 second immunity window similar to glimpse.

New feint pvp talent is also terrible for the game and the total opposite of how rogue should be played.

And while theyre at it change the sprint pvp talent so theyre is literally any reason to play it at all.
maybe make it similar to deathknights deaths advance so were not perma snared on top of spam ccd the second you have the audacity to press shadowdance or shadowblades and now have to cross cc everything just to do a rotation so that you can generate enough combo points to press dance again after you use your second charge because you were spam ccd during your go the first dance.


Hardly a worst class and race combo to make this argument from.

i still do this. i just remain invisible until someone kills me. best thing is… my teammates dont even know im invisible. but the horde cant see me.


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This basically makes it so Dwarves have the kind of advantage that Undead did clasically where they just have a totally unique advantage over everyone else.


Yeah I feel forced to go back to dwarf after switching to horde last season. Bleed removal is just too good for rogue. I guess I’ll be holding this L. Thanks Blizz.


Letting the Sp-eye-glass nonsense continue and now this. Once again I’m forced to conclude that one of the devs must have gotten rogue’d too hard last season and this is their way of taking revenge.


I personally do not care about the spy eye glass to be honest. But reverting nerf to Vanish is a must IMO!


:surfing_woman: :man_surfing: