Blood Gates is a pure non-stop AoEfest…easy case.
I was just doing the quests in Najatar, didn’t spend a lot of time farming. I figured it will be like the darkmoon fair quest where it sits in my questlog for a month. lol
Nah, I spent a couple of hours doing it in areas like Arathi where I couldn’t get a non-stop AoE rhythm going, and got 15. The same 2 hours in Blood Gate netted me 25 and some people report doing the whole 40 there in the same amount of time. Got get 'em!
People defending this and the wild price for a subscription model game expansion pack is pretty hilarious.
Yes, Blood Gates is amazing; check Group Finder under the “Custom” section and type “echo”, and you’ll see a huge list of 5-person groups farming them. I got mine like this in a little under 3 hours. My first kill I got 6, then after that it would be maybe one every few minutes, then you’d get another 2-3 here and there. Just keep at it, it’s easy enough to do. If you don’t get any for awhile don’t be discouraged, suddenly you’ll loot a couple. For people who don’t know how to get the quest, the pre-order mount has a “Guiding Orb” on its tail that shows the gear icon to click it, and the quest giver will appear. Good luck, all!
Uck…Well honestly I hate farming, and the Alliance were there taking over the whole area. I really had to fight for my kills. I think I’ll just let them add up slowly as I do my quests. Maybe farm a little if I get bored.
Thank you for the helpful advice.
Do you have to be level 120 to get the quest? I just came back and only have a level 113, and when I summon the dude he doesn’t have a quest.
nothing about this entices me to pre-purchase. the mount is just reskinned (e.g. mind worm mount). if it were new, new rigging, model, textures, etc. i’d be down but it’s just another store mount recycle. I also have the only two DKs I’d ever want.
i don’t understand the tiki mask in the hood on the xmog set either? how about just a hood? shrouded face for an ominous effect?
Took me a few days to get all my echoes but my boyfriend got all his echoes in an hour. Kind of messed up drop rates but you get 4-6 daily echoes first or second mob you kill.
Ive seen many people with it now. Its a hard grind yes but its possible.
It’s an incredibly tedious grind, but it is possible. It is also very disappointing for the first premium quest blizz released.
Some people didn’t. I ordered it because I was at Blizzcon and watched the announcements and put my hands on the demo several times and I like what I see. I didn’t know there was a transmog quest off the mount before I ordered it. I just ordered, tried out the new mount, and said: “Huh, what’s this clickable thing?”
To add to the thread, I saw the Echos drop from several bosses in Eternal Palace tonight. Hoping that’s a regular thing.
Please don’t troll. Or take it elsewhere.
Quest =/= inane, directionless grind with abysmally low drop rate.
And you’re the one calling people idiotic? Glass houses, stones.
Well the whole point of a store-bought transmog is that it’s 100% store bought. If I wanted a chance at an xmog, I’d just carry on as I do, farming old raids for weeks on end hoping to dear RNGsus that what I need drops.
My wife and I completed the echoes in a single night.
We grouped with others and killed the murlocs in Darkshore over and over.
The respawn was insane and the drop rate is ridiculously low.
It took hours of mindless killing, but the 40th echo finally dropped.
You can do it! Just keep at it!
While you cannot see it, it is my current transmog.
The secret is that you get 3 to 6 per day really easily. Kill a rare or a blue WQ mob. I was lucky to get 3, 3, then 5 in 3 consecutive days within the first 15 minutes of logging in. That is 13 of 40 without trying much.
After the initial drop, you have to spend some time farming humanoids. Look for farm groups in LFG. Don’t be a raid of course. I was at 22 when I joined a group and finished getting the rest in about an hour and a half.
It is possible. Just slow.
They drop in raids.
Oh cool. I did hear about it for Eternal Palace but when I was in a farm group we weren’t getting any. Glad to know.
took me 1 hour 30mins at Blood gate to go from 5 to 40