Don't people think the mythic and raid selling is out of hand?

I think I have ignored or filtered like 10,000 people and they just keep coming.

I know I can just drop trade chat and I might. That’s not the point - it just seems like an insane volume of activity. Am I crazy? This does seem unprecedented in the game’s history. Does nobody else care? I at least feel like some other games pretend to care that such things matter at all

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Yes, lots of people do.

Try this

See how it does.

There are no rules against what boost spammers are doing. As long as the carries are for gold from Blizz’s PoV there’s no problem.

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yeah if the carries are for gold, bliz actually encourages them because they generally promote cash shop gold sales

heck mike ybarra, lead of development and operations openly sells carries

this is the new bliz, they have no scruples that cannot be sacrificed for the almighty dollar


It’s not. It’s not even unprecedented in any other game’s history.

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yes but i mean what can we do besides not buy them? blizzard allows it and the rest of us who don’t want it we don’t purchase those things. really not much else we can do besides i guess quit the game.

as long as people can still do content they want without having to actively relying on buying carries then it’s okay when it gets to that point i feel people will start to quit. either way i look at it doesn’t bother me. you got mythic achievements cool. i flex what i earned myself not what i bought. also i feel like my personal hard work i put into getting these things is better then say purchasing it cause yea it’s liek real life. anyone can say go to a restaurant and order w.e. dish but can you cook it yourself and do a better job then said restaurant?

you learn a lot simply by just doing things for yourself then paying for a service.

Time to update the rules, then.

I think that there are too many people unwillingly to interact and play with each other and just opt for the easy/lazy thing which is paying somebody else to do the content for them.

Which is just the most bizarre thing to me, that somebody would just log on to buy aotc/ksm (reasonable goals) and then just quit again. Or go back to mount collecting, etc.

Eh, they don’t bother me.

I’m a collector and I don’t raid anymore but I’m not buying every AotC :rofl: But I can see people doing that if they make good gold and have 0 interest in raiding/pvp/M+ but want the FoS.

I’ll never have a KSM mount or the achievement so anyone who is paying for those has a legup on me in mount collecting.

There’s a split.

There’s a pretty big section of the playerbase that runs with the “what other people do doesn’t matter” mindset and so they tend to not care so much that boosting has become no different than buying a mount on the AH. I tend to assume these are usually more casual players who aren’t putting their time into that kind of content to begin with, but that’s never going to be 100% the case.

Then, of course, there’s the people who attach value to the time and effort they put into completing content and take issue with how out of hand boosting has become. You can probably also just throw people upset over the endless Chat Spam here, and those people come from any background. Because, yeah, the chat spam is insane on some realms. And Group Finder spam on all realms.

All of this could be solved by created an advertising category for LFG

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Yes. It’s hard to find legitimate players for content, especially on Alliance, because most would rather buy a carry for the achievement/mogs/mounts than put themselves through the stress of doing it themselves.