Dont Nerf Sapphiron

It’s not a nerf. The fight will play out exactly as it did in 2006.


Need more posts like this. Quite interesting to see the process and testing.


Yes it will. But rather than fix a bug that existed in 2006, they are formalizing it. Not the outcome I was hoping for.


Did you actually DO the fight on PTR? It was extremely challenging with the PTR uber buff giving bonus resist, health, and healing AND with healers chaining flasks. On live, it’d be borderline impossible if not impossible.


Yes it was difficult. But it wasn’t so difficult that pugs weren’t able to complete it within a 2 hour window. You are exaggerating the difficulty.

The fight would be much harder without the buff. Yes. But that’s the point of very strong frost resistance gear becoming available in Naxx. Its the point of frozen runes being a semi-limited farm. Preparing for the saph fight is supposed to and would have been a longer endeavor for most guilds. I still think many would have eventually killed saph, but it would have been on week 3 and not week 1.

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Thanks! I enjoy doing them, and I also wish I had enough time to do them more often! :slight_smile:


I’d love to have mythic Naxxramas, but if we’re randomly going to make Sapphiron literally do 100% more damage why don’t we retune the entire instance too?

Blizzard won’t do it though because they’re trying to recreate the 2006 version, not make mythic Naxxramas.

I don’t think you’re really understanding how huge the PTR buffs were, and the effect of every healer having a vendor nearby that sells flasks for 2g they can use as infinite mana potions.


Love seeing deep dives like this. This is another great one off instance to throw in Caverns of Time when you do TBC

  • pre nerf Cthun 1 boss instance
  • 1 second Sapphiron instance
  • and maybe hardcore death = delete servers (not in CoT obviously)

Yeah, I understand that time is a constraint, I didn’t intend for that to sound like I was dissing you in any way. Just wanted to voice my general feeling (that I think a lot of others have as well) that I love this sort of communication, and would really love if Blizzard started to open up more in general like this. I love these deep dives because I’m a developer myself and really enjoy reading about the thought processes behind everything, but it’s also great for the game to get more communication.

Just my two cents. Thanks again!

(Edit: I said “love” a lot. Whatever.)

So did fixing the ectoplasm dispeller effectively make all threat based encounters a “mythic” version. No of course not. Fixing a game to design intent was the driver behind fixing that bugged item. In my personal opinion design intent was that this was supposed to be a difficult fight that required much more preparation that other fights. Fixing a bug to isn’t making it mythic.

No one in 2006 used the ectoplasm distiller to make threat irrelevant and if they did it would’ve been hotfixed the next day.

Everyone that did Sapphiron in 2006 did the version they’re releasing.


IF this fight had released in this state in 2006, with the tactics and knowledge they had then, it would’ve been unbeatable. So you would’ve seen it nerfed anyways.


Well you cannot be sure of your first claim, so I won’t argue you there. And yes I agree with your second claim. But my point is, it differs from intent. Which if they want to do that, fine so be it. I’m merely voicing my opinion that it wasn’t the outcome I was hoping for.

Thanks for the update, did you guys look into taking the ticking aura while in sapphiron’s ice block?


Loved reading the deep dive. Love to read more of them!

People acting like it’s going to tick once every second, nah fam, its going to tick once every second for one person in the raid, every 2 seconds (on average), and once every 2 seconds for everyone else. Gives healers something to do other than mindlessly chainheal. The buffs on the ptr was just a shorthand version of full wbuffs.

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How it’s “supposed” to be, is how it was in vanilla, which is what they are replicating.


We sure did! That is definitely a bug and we will have it fixed by the time this content is released :slight_smile:


Awesome, thank you for the replies. Good to know what to prepare for!

Posting this in a “Don’t Nerf Sapphiron” thread is next level trolling.

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