Don't mind me just gankin some lowbies

I guess it’s really too late to make you understand why everyone is punching you back while you ask “Hmm now what could it be that they aren’t accepting in my philosophy”?

You didn’t expect your OP to trigger anything at all…Looks at OP

Damn this is better than some quality standup comedy I’ve seen :rofl:

And maybe it’s better for you to stop acting like you “discovered what I said isn’t truth” when I myself stated it’s possibly not truth. :slight_smile:

I do agree with the second point.

:+1: fegging 10 char

Like I said, I am well capable of handling proverbial punches. It looks like you’ve read into the original post something else that some people didn’t. That’s not a me issue, that is more of a you issue. So, sorry not sorry :woman_shrugging:

Lol you are right. Everytime someone makes a claim let’s all just believe them

Tbh with you idc much about profile stalkers. but I do like their discomfort in not knowing PEPELAUGH

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:+1: :+1: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
drives em nuts…lol

Stay mad, stay bad

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Especially when they trying to grasp straws when they have no more to grab and end up not finding anything to grab. they literally go tantrum mode.

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I love the “WAHHHH…post on your main” LMBO.
just makes me giggle when they can only dig into this wow account instead of my main WoW. This one isnt even on the same Bnet, lol

Damn you gettin’ em good Rahkeet, you unlocked Dark Iron for both accounts too?

It’s hilarious. Everything is “Trolling” for them.

LIKE WAHHHH i cant argue with you.
WAHHH idk why i feel like crap so its your fault WAHHHHH
wahhhhh YOUR trolliing cuz you disagree with me WAHHHHHH

You can literally say orange is black and someone would go on a tantrum about it.

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thats literally the definition of trolling in this joke of a forum, lol
It cracks me up when the bias of moderation is made clear when no actual rules have been broken, but they uphold what is clearly NOT trolling in any way because the admin/mod who checks the flagged post is using their own personal disagreement to uphold it.
Seen it more times than not, myself, lol.

absolutely agree.
Been threads made about how trivial and asinine the flag bombing is around here.
This is what happens when the patients are running the asylum.

Oh hi there fellow gnome with weapon in face. :wave:

You just have to be careful, with what you say, Let them pull punches but dont say anything bad. Cuz mob mentality will work against you.

That’s why I’m so polite PEPELAUGH

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can you forgive me for my bad behaviour or do I have to sit on the corner