Don't have permission to type in guild chat

What happened:
-Was in guild
-Deleted this char
-Restored char immediately
-Logged in and then logged off
-Next day, logged on and wasn’t in guild
-Got invited back into guild
-Everything was normal for a period of time
-Suddenly after about 30 minutes, typing in guild returns “You do not have permission to do that” and viewing roster shows no information about levels, online status, class, or achievement points - only a “—” is displayed with reference to each character name

-Cannot be invited back (a bugged msg shows up)
-I don’t appear to be in guild according to guildmates’ UI
-Can see guild chat
-Cannot /gquit
-Cannot be invited to other guilds

-Resetting UI does not resolve
-Relogging does not resolve
-It has been about 4 days

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did you solve the problem?
same here

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I have the same problem :frowning:


Same thing is happening to one of my guildies. Had the broken toon thing where he lost all his gear, so deleted then undeleted. Everything was good for a while after being invited back, but then he couldn’t talk in chat, so I kicked him and tried re inviting back, but now whenever someone tries to re-invite they get a message saying that their character is already in a guild. He can’t gquit because he isn’t in a guild, but can still see guild chat.


had to wait for reset