Don't forget Twitch drop today

It would be really nice if they would have those in the afternoon or evening when people are actually up.

Has anyone gotten the Hearthstone toy?

Or are people incorrectly getting the mount?

You don’t get the content you don’t participate in, just like anything that would happen in game. Don’t be so dense.

I’ve said it before…

If you have to bribe a viewer with an in-game item to watch a streamer, then that streamer isn’t worth watching to begin with.

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oooh we need views, let’s bribe people


nah twitch should of called the platform twitchy or twitchers . Its amazing how people that spew out so much bull can lose control of their facial muscles. I would rather stick a fork in my eye than watch streamers.

i got the mount, hoping to have it swapped out for the toy in a future patch, i was going for both so getting the mount next week isnt a big deal for me…or the toy next week, was an error on their end, so it would make sense to make sure the people taking part can get both items

i read the blue post about logging in and out to claim both, it isnt working and i have the toy already claimed on twitch, do i need to open a ticket to fix this issue?

And I don’t.
I mute them. I minimize the screen. I take the item.
I close tab

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Can someone link me the mount ?

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Thanks, so not worth the 4 hours of boredom.