Dont forget about the other races Blizz

Kul tirans, Dark irons, Maghar, Zandalari, Vulpera, Mechagnomes they are all missing customization. Not everyone plays elves.


I’m still waiting for the alternate tints of the Mechagnome heritage armor to be added…


Agreed, allied races need a lot of work.


Some allied races need to merge customizations such as Blood Elf/Void Elf/Nightborne/Night Elf, Orc/Mag’har Orc, Troll/Zandalari Troll, Tauren/High Mountain Tauren, Human/Kul Tiran/Forsaken, Draenei/Light Forged Draenei, Gnome/Mechagnome, Dwarf/Dark Iron Dwarf… Vulperas have a unique appearance.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck then it’s a DUCK! This shows how lazy it was to make different versions of the same race when there should have been unique races like Vulpera and Pandaren.


nightborne and lightforged draenei had alternate colors, too. they looked great, i remember the LF one was a really nice purple


Elves are so boring lol, long eared kim kardashian filtered humans

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:skull: :skull: :skull:

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Orcs and Humans… The game was literally called Warcraft: Orcs & Humans…

Blood Elves get all the heritage love… smh…


Lightforged first. We had one of the recolors originally, then people whined and got it changed to what they called the “correct one.” I want that recolor back and the purple one!


Both look like a Duck!

WTF that purple one is neat.

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Right?! And I like the gold and silver without the stupid burgundy that’s on the one we got.


I truly hope all races get heritage armor recolors or variations.

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I know. I actually made a thread asking for them to put all the heritage armor tints into the game a long while back.

Why not both? I mean, it wouldn’t take any effort for Blizzard to just add them ALL in.

I didn’t say no to Mechagnomes. I said if they have to choose, oldest race first, please.

And nothing else for us damn elves.

… unless they give me antlers in the barbershop for druids. >.>

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There’s also a dark reddish variant as well that was never used.