Don't Disable Corruption Enchants in Season 3

Please let these enchants work the rest of the expansion. It’s not like an equipped slot where you feel bad not upgrading them, so won’t have people upset they’re still using them. They’re just a dps enchant. We had the Satyr neck enchant for all of Legion.


i second this, it seems silly to give us somethign fun and nice for just one season. while in the same vein, let stuff like the cantrip ring stay relevant for season2 for alot of specs. this is just enchants and frankly wont be as problematic as the ring, i dont see a reason why for it to leave at the end of season 2

please reconsider

I think it makes sense to disable these, as revisited visions are not an evergreen feature. they’re a time limited event and we don’t know if that’s a thing that will be coming back often. if plunderstorm and pandaria remix are anything to go by…

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I somewhat agree, but also…

They are comparing these enchants to embellishments? Embellishments have never been more meaningless than they are right now in The War Within.

If these corruption enchants are the same level of nothing burger, like…why are we even bothering?

I think this is a thing that should last the rest of the expansion at least. This feels a lot more like an update to the mage tower than it does Plunderstorm or Remix. If it’s not then they picked the wrong thing to bring back.

After testing these on the ptr, I dont even want them for season 2 if theyre this pathetic.

They are doing half of the damage that the tooltip says they should be doing, they do less damage if youre in tank spec, the ones that do aoe damage do SPLIT damage, and they just feel bad because of these
I understand, they are an enchant, and enchants arent supposed to do more than like 3% of your overall, but these specific enchants are of something that used to do 40% of my overall in BfA.
Both Twilight Dev and Echoing Void, in the same Heroic Dungeon trash pulls, did 1.4% and 0.2% of my overall, respectively. My 3 single target Felblade casts did more damage than Echoing Void did at 76 hits.

The one time we get an actual choice in which corruption we want whenever we want, and they dont even feel good to use just makes me not even want them at all.

If they were good, I think they would be a great addition to the season, and depending on the story beats, they could make for a good continuation for season 3. But they need serious tuning before I even want to use them now

They’re not meant to be major increases, just a minor boost for the rest of the season; the impact should be relatively low, the same way regular weapon enchants and trinkets only contribute +2-4% on average.

You’re right that many of them are underwhelming, though the bigger problem is that every time we get a system of choices like this, most of the options do the exact same thing.

  • If Twisted Appendage happens to be better than Infinite Stars or Gushing Wound, its unlikely that players are ever going to use the latter. Their acquisition isn’t even random this time, so there just isn’t any reason to ever purposefully pick the less competitive options.
  • If for whatever reason you aren’t interested in damage, you have even less choice, since Void Ritual is the only effect that isn’t some version of “deal direct damage.”

I’m not advocating for Expedient to make a return, but I do think a couple of these could be exchanged for effects that increases healing, or a mobility buff, or a shield, some other kind of survivability, or something else to open up a little more variety than another system with one or two strong options competing against four weaker ones that just get ignored.

These enchants shouldn’t be tied to player power at all, much less continue on through to the next season. Rehashed old content should always be cosmetic only.

theyre not ment to be major damage increases, theyre enchants. its not supposed to be this mandatory thing. its just the return of a fun game mode and very cool visuals from probably the most mixed review borrowed power in the game.

do i think some of them should have better balancing? yes some of them should be better like stars and echoing void. but ultimately i am going to eat a sub 1% less sim damage to have twlight dev back.

hence why i am asking for these enchants to stay all expansion long. its criminal to not give us any new enchanting cosmetics and then making the only cool enchanting visual last a single season

i like to consider myself as a somewhat non casual player, but visuals and cool visuals is probably my strongest casual standpoint in this game. it just makes no sense to reintroduce these cool visuals and then take em away again.

I dont see how you implement Corruption, the most popular of all player power, as not tied to player power and make it cosmetic.

Then I think they should have come up with anything other than the one system that was an incredible boost in player power, as anyone who played BfA is going to assume they, the powers, will be strong like they were back then.

I agree with the adding new things. Plenty of ideas could be used, but man these numbers on the enchants are just not it

well i wouldnt say they are the most popular player power. corruption that increased your stats to insane degrees were the reason why they were popular. you broke alot of classes with it.

while other stuff were kinda left in the dust. unless you did those full tank raids with rank 4 twlight dev and that essence to increase hp.

we often forget corruption was the most hated borrowed power until they brought a vender, and even then your bis corruption had to be on rotation on a bi weekly rotational swap. as ret with my corurption bis being on the last rotation before it starts again. i was very muched peeved and annoyed with the system in general.

I should have said “most talked about” or “most controversial”, because while not everyone liked it, it was very well known for having an absurd variance in player capabilities, and that was what I was meaning when I said popular, I just used the wrong word.

all good, but ya, just keep in mind that it was the stat boosts that made corruption the most talked about borrowed power

The stat boosts were the good ones.

The ones that are coming back are why you could have 70% DPS swings from 1 pull to another of the same boss.

I would like to go the other way and ask that corruption enchants just be removed from 11.1.5 before the patch even goes live.

I don’t know about you but I would prefer to not have my weapon enchants make it easier for my character to die.

I just absolutely LOVED icy phial of corrupting rage in DF. Having that little extra dot to bring you to death that otherwise wouldn’t have occurred was so refreshing and enjoyable.

You know what was also refreshing and enjoyable about icy phial of corrupting rage? YES! Having the dot randomly tick on you during an invis pot skip in mythic plus so that you got taken out of stealth and wiped the group.

You essentially had to click off your icy phial of corrupting rage, do the skip and put on a new phial.

Like can we please just not do things like corruptions that are just straight up obnoxious?

these corruptions dont have curse effects? what are you talking about?

Since it was mentioned by the devs that they intend to disable corruption at the end of the season, I want to drive a point home about the timing of the end of the season while these things are still in development. THE SEASON NEEDS TO END WHEN THE SERVERS GO DOWN, NOT A MOMENT BEFORE. The next season needs to start at the time the servers go up. This game is a global game and there will always be people online at any time when the servers are up. Don’t disrupt anyone’s playing time by introducing annoying bugs ending a season hours before the servers go down.

In previous seasons in DF and TWW, there have been major annoyances the night before the patch right in the middle of my playing time, around 10pm PST. It upsets me a lot every single time since I’m always online at that time. There are different issues every season, with some similar ones as well. I think it’s a waste of your dev time to put in effort to end the season while the servers are still up. Just leave the season completely active the entire evening before the patch until the servers go down so that players who can’t get on until late can finish up the end of season things they want to do. It felt bad last season realizing I forgot something around 11:45pm pst at the end of the last season and buying a bugged crest upgrade token that wouldn’t work and did not give me the crests that I purchased.

If the arbitrary 10pm timeline to end the season early and make the rest of the evening annoying continued, then there’s the risk of corruption not functioning while I am in the middle of a key. If I tried to fit in a key at 9:30pm and something happens to cause us to finish at 10:05pm instead of 9:55pm, that feels awful every time, and I would hate to have corruption stop working while I am in a dungeon. It already feels awful trying to get additional crests and not having them drop because someone at Blizz set an arbitrary deadline in the middle of my playing time around 10pm. I’ll probably mention this on the 11.2 PTR forums as well. I’m tired of being annoyed every time a season ends.