Bought a run for 700k on my shaman with the understanding that “any uneeded gear would be passed to the buyers” well apparently this excludes azerite gear and the sellers don’t see fit to actually give their buyers gear that they see fit scrapping. Had an offer on my own realm for half the price and should have taken it… Buy with this group with caution and make sure you get verbatim in writing that you are to get gear that isn’t need and won’t be scrapped… can find several better uses of 700k.
All Azerite gear is needed regardless if it is an upgrade. Scrappable Azerite leads to residium that can then be spent on 415 Azerite prices that are needed. I would say ask about a guilds policy on Azerite gear on sell runs as the above is the likely explanation for them still “needing it” and not passing it on. Unfortunately I would place the blame primarily on yourself as it is the buyers responsibility to ask the questions and be knowledgeable and not expect the seller to lay every rule and regulation in front of you.
I’ve bought several carries from in the past and can stand for their reputation and prices. They’ve been a pleasure to deal with and honestly, I think your experience is you misunderstanding the terms.
I had asked, and was told that any gear that was tradable, including azerite, was to go to the buyer… In practice this was proven false. I get that you still get residum for scrapping which is totally fine, however don’t advertise that you’re going to trade if in fact you’re not… not that difficult of a concept. Fine now tho, found sellers that actually do as they advertise and have no reason to do business with a guild that doesn’t live up to what it spams