I don’t think there is any possible format of a “player council” that would not have major drawbacks. Back when they had a secret player group, they ignored everything they disagreed with. So that wouldn’t have helped this time, either.
But mathematically speaking, any truly random group of 100 out of millions could be seriously skewed.
What would need to happen would be some sort of marketing research program to characterize their playerbase into demographics. Then they could determine what would keep different demographics playing the game.
But judging how they handled the mage tower debacle, I think they have no intention of doing anything to keep the majority of players playing. They’re so mad at those who left that they’re striking out at those who the marketing department convinced to come back.
What’s the purpose of the Community Council when they are so out of touch with their player base? Creating it is pretty much an admission that they never listened to their customers in the past.
Its always the players against blizzard. Not players against players. Some of their topics seem to extreme as in too niche. They need to focus on things that effect 2 out of 3 players instead of 1 or 2 percent type.
The things that impact 2/3 of the player base have been pretty well documented and discussed between the forums, reddit, streams, etc.
Part of the goal of selecting people for the Council was to reach out to those who don’t tend to have much input - the smaller portion of the player base or maybe less vocal. That is why they asked for detailed info on what aspects of the game a person played when filling out the application.
So, those things about accessibility, or moderation, etc - those are important too and they wanted to hear.
…But, yeah, the fact that they were chosen for the community council is not an excuse to attack them; just let them cover the topics they want in the way they want to do it.
Me? I am posting on the posting character I have used since 2013 when I was asked to select one and stick to it. I am not allowed to change characters. Posting on diff chars and sockpuppeting is not something they wanted MVPs doing. I could post on another char and claim to be Mira but you would have no way to know that is true or not. Only this char is green.
heya mate! this is off topic but is there ANY convos happening about enforcing existing rules and/or game and forum moderation? i.e several dev bashing threads (forum mod should remedy that in a timely fashion) and spamming lfg chat with adverts (tbc in particular)
Not sure about the forum mod, but there is commentary about advertising in the Boosting thread (On boosting - #7 by Letholas-veknilash) which while it was geared more towards retail would apply to classic as well.
I truly hope that thread is read by folks that can fix that. Simple game moderation for a week or 2 would do wonders. Folks can boost all they want, it’s the advertising (as you posted) that is out of control. Huokan is now advertising MT/Torghast carries too…how is that not raising flags?
Job? The Community Council was created to represent us. They’re not doing a very good job. While this may not be entirely their fault, it needs to be addressed.
Not only do they seem to be rather pushy with their opinions, we have at least one who insists on fighting with folks in the forums. This is unacceptable and this person should be put in their place.
Council is nothing but a PR move for Blizzard to say, “lOoK oVeR hErE wE’rE lIsTeNiNg!!!” While they continue to develop a game based on how much subcscription time they can squeeze every single bit of content out of.
The only people they are fooling are the council members who now think their opinions are important and being listened to and giving some of them really big, hilariously sad egos.
It’s all a last ditch marketing effort to save a sinking ship.