Don't allow world buffs in raids

If trivializing content matters to you then consider vetoing this. Self explanatory but Naxx does not require Onyxia and ZG buffs to be completed.

Neither does Molten Core nor BWL require these same buffs.

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You’re suggesting a change. In vanilla you could roll into raids with world buffs.

So the answer is and always will be no just as it should be.


No. You’re suggesting they change the game.

Look, I understand where you are coming from since I am also opposed to the power creep in Phase 1’s content bucket, but I do not believe that changing the game is the solution.

The solution is much more simple - a sequence, in true vanilla order, of patches over the Phase 1 content bucket.


You want to remove something guilds had to organise themselves to do? I’ve led guilds in classic and getting people online before raids to do world buffs is a struggle in itself, if a guild can manage to pull it off they should be able to.


It’s not just ZG and Onyxia buffs either. Theres Dire Maul buffs, Songflower Serenade, Light of Elune, Sayge’s Fortune.

Cabernet suggested the best alternative.

Not every every guild is going to leave Dire Maul after summoning 40 people for tribute buffs and have a Warlock alt @ DMF, another in Felwood summon people so all 40 can click Songflower, then head to Zandalar isle, then drop Onyxia head and maybe catch Warchief, just to do Onyxia or MC.

Some guilds will because their goal is to do the content in 20 minutes.

Let em.

And stagger the buffs as you would into different phases of the game so not everything is available Day 1.


Simple fix! Don’t use world buffs when you raid.


Don’t use them if you don’t want to. If you’re not concerned about quick clears or competing on server firsts then they don’t really matter do they?

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“You are allowed to go into deadmines at high levels and this trivializes its content”

“Just don’t…don’t do it”

“But other people will…”


Then what would the Scuba Cops do for fun huh? Stopping horde from illegally smuggling world buffs into BRM will be our main purpose. NOTHING in this game is more fun than murdering guilds with world buffs.


I understand where he’s coming from because I’ve read his other posts, including some nakedly mocking the entire concept of Classic.

He’s 100% a troll.


Dudes for sure a troll. His posts are always a little meh

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Scuba Cops does Orgrimmar.

My God that opened up ideas in the depths of my depraved soul and changed my gameplay forever.


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We literally had strategies with sending rogues first to see if there were horde raids outside the raid entrance. Had a few battles where some people lost a couple buffs but 60 percent of the time we were in 100 percent of the time.

coulda just bumped my thread instead of making this low effort, democrat thread.

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I mean, with the exception of the ZG buff, they go away when you die.

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This is actually happening, most of the WB’s will be available at launch, Nefs head,ossirians and hakkars heart won’t be available till later in the expac.

whats the buff from the ossirian turnin called? if there is one
and @OP, disallowing world buffs altogether would be one thing; why not just prevent them from stacking to some extent instead?

There’s no buff for the ossirian quest turnin (nor for C’thun/KT, FWIW).

There we go, my bad!!!

Buff stacking was one of my favourite things about vanilla raiding.

The ceremonial guild gathering droping the head of a fallen foe and charging off into battle/glory…it was ritualistic, even doing a tribute run prior… just tune raids harder

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