Done with this legendary system

Seriously, anyone defending this legendary can go play a Legion private server if they enjoy RNG legendary items so much.

Secondly, Blizzard has already admitted this legendary acquisition is awful by saying they were working on the next legendary to make it feel more rewarding based on feedback.

they took the feedback, and applied it to the next legendary instead of fixing this one!

This is how Blizzard does things, and I don’t see it changing, which is why I am not even bothering to play the rest of the expansion. I’d love for Blizzard to prove me wrong, but I’ve lost faith that it will happen.

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Random can’t be unfair cuz it’s random.

um okay lol

why would this ever matter

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The topic is about the importance of the gear for gameplay and how difficult it is to get, which screws over their gameplay.

Someone saying, “It’s no big deal, people have been trying to get a horse mount for a decade” in comment to that is just nonsensical at best.

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I get that it makes you and your party do more damage, but how does it actually change anyone’s gameplay?

Legion legendary items were not “mandatory”, but it was still a benefit to have.

They actually sim for about as much as some classes legion legendary items.

It doesn’t change much, but if you are mom-maxing, you can space out your empowers (don’t do this to a degree of losing massive dps), and give the buff to someone who just uses CD’s as an example. For Pres an empower spell like fire breath and be used with someone’s CD’s to make them do more damage.

NH mythic and onwards were tuned around you having at least 1, generally 2 good throughput legendaries.

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Where did i say otherwise?

i was poking fun at OP’s reasoning for wanting it, which is silly tbh. They can still want it for that reason of course.

“i want it cuz i’m more hardcorer than these other people that have it!” lol c’mon now.

I know but is the truth. I did not mean to offend

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NH was tuned around 2 of them, yes.

EN is a better example since there was 1 equip-able one early on, and everyone was stuck in the “RNG” part still with no BLP yet.

Several people didn’t have a good legendary item, some didn’t have one at all, and the raid could still be cleared. Still didn’t change the fact it was not required, but still made a big difference.

This legendary is in a very similar spot as that, which lead to many other systems to fix the issues legion created.

Right, but at this point in the expansion, we’re near the end of NH patch, and Tomb is on the PTR.

Or maybe, like me, they were focusing more on the rarity rather than the utility of the thing-a-ma-jig.

It might as well be EN part of the expansion, since there is only 1 legendary item in DF so far, and it follows legion legendary rules.

They are not balancing the raids around these legendary items, similar to EN.

And, guess what? They got a comment on it. Now they know. But you decided to argue about it for no reason. So let’s move on.

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The OP originally was complaining about the RNG system, so the comparison of RNG for a mount drop and RNG in a legendary drop seems fair and reasonable.

He even acknowledges this in his original post

so the RNG comparison is perfectly fine.

You’re the one that got aggressive for no reason because you once again applied your assumptions to another posters topic.

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if only Ion wasn’t a liar Pepperidge Farms remembers when Ion said no more legendaries.

Not just the RNG aspect of it. They also said

Which is far different than a mount at that point.

We can’t just take part of the original statement and chop it up and throw it in our own words.

They do not like the RNG aspect because it has stopped their progression, something a mount will not do.


It isn’t. At all.

I mean… literally right there in their post… :dracthyr_shrug:

Literally nothing I posted was in any way, shape or form aggressive. LOL

A comparison doesn’t have to be an exact 1 to 1, you seem to be very pedantic in your responses. As several other posters have said, the comparison between a mount drop which is based on RNG, and a legendary which is based on RNG, seems fair.

That’s all you. I explained the post. You continue to come at me. Look to thine own self.

You mean the one other person? So two against three? Sure thing.