Done using war bank

Of course! How could I be so silly? A feature that is a new set of bank slots will certainly not be for placing items. :person_facepalming:

As far as screenshots go… let’s see if I can post them. (of course I can’t. thanks forums)

I noticed it was missing here (as of this morning)

I know it was there when I was moving items between realms (as of last night)

Also… I’m clearly invested in War Banks - I bought 3 tabs. I’m telling you all it’s not ready for prime time. You do not have to believe me. I’m a heavy abuser of banks, mailboxes, item storage… I keep everything. I started out heavily using the war bank and I’ve lost items because of it. I thought with the last patch this week it might be in the clear, finally… but this morning proved me wrong.

Of course, your mileage may vary, but my only motive here is to share a word of caution. You don’t have to believe me.