Hello there! I’m an experienced healer in the world of warcraft, i’ve been playing since the beginning, mostly to myself. But i was a healing officer during the entirety of MoP with my IRL friends, and it was the time of my life! (i moved from EU in Legion, will provide links to armoury if you want to check it out :))
This expac i just now really got into it with my MW monk (i used to play resto druid), i’m 431 ilvl 8/8HC Eternal Palace, and i would really love to find something where i just kinda fit in, make some cool friends, chill on disc and do mythic + and raid whatever nights. I’m pretty relaxed, but reliable. I can be funny on occasion, And a great WoW healer who SOMETIMES mess up, but only does the mistake ONCE and learn from it. I am available all evenings after 8PM EST. Willing to move to wherever and faction change if the right person comes along with a great group of people.
Please add me on Becca#21150 for a chat. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this.