Don’t you wish Blizzard was like this?

Yep. A paid service that advances you in any way shape or form versus someone who doesn’t pay.


I spend hours getting money to buy a boost

I spend hours grinding XP to get to 58

My time is spent on either choice, so what is your argument? I simply spent my time differently.

So you just admitted that you spent time irl working to trade for an in-game shortcut to automatically achieve a result that a person who did not pay has to achieve manually. :joy: That’s pay to win.


Did I? I simply showed both points take time out of my day, so what advantage did I get? Your the only one here who thinks it’s p2w based on the majority on the forums. Most call it a shortcut, but even more don’t care :slight_smile:

I’ll buy you one too if you’d like, since it appears you’re pretty hard up for money.

That’s not pay to win, for it to be pay to win it would require that you could only get there by paying.


So by that definition, Blizzard could put Tier 6 raid gear in the cash shop and it wouldn’t be pay to win because you could technically achieve it by manually working towards it.


Im really excited about that game, but it isn’t out yet, there are no reviews. After Cyberpunk (ATLEAST) anyones expectiations should be low. Blizzard originally had a great game. Ashes might be terrible too once its out for 5 years.

Expect nothing and you will most likely still be let down!

Nope because that actually has an in game challenge to acquire that not everyone will do. Level 58 can be achieved by drooling on your keyboard.

Not really. It’s all about time investment. The challenge is wether you will dedicate your time to getting tier 6 or not. Same with getting level 58.


Tier 6 is not just a time grind however.

And most people will be walking into Outlands with geared 60’s so in that context a level 58 with junk gear is hardly winning.

You are completely ignoring my arguments about the shortcut being “the win” and not the gear on the 58. I’m going to stop replying to you because it’s just a waste of time for both of us.


It’s a nice sentiment, but the online store for this game (which looks great,btw) offers ‘ in-game marketplace’ money in addition to beta access, game time, a mount, and cosmetic items.
That sounds an awful lot like pay to win…

It’s not that hard to understand that a boost doesn’t amount to winning anything. You don’t gain an advantage at end game. You don’t even gain an advantage over other level 58s. You constantly rail about P2W except you fail to explain what you win.


Well yes if you think level 58 in a game with 70 levels and most people will be starting leveling to 70 at level 60 and where most people will spend the majority of their time at max level is somehow winning you simply have no comprehension of what pay to win is.

Cause you don’t have an argument. You have an opinion. No factual data supports the 58 being more advantageous over a regular one. YOU think the boost is an advantage, but there is no factual data to support that and as such, we don’t don’t care what you think. YOU think the time saved is some kind of advantage.

The funny thing about all of these boosting complaints, is it comes from people who are currently at 60, or are leveling to 60 before TBC drops.

I’d love to hear from people who are thinking of joining Classic as a fresh account when TBC launches.


This is a big true, but also rather annoying, I’m 150% sure that if anyone playing classic around the time it came out learned that leveling to 58 would be irrelevant because we could just boost to it in tbc, I feel like a lot of people would just drop off and wait for tbc instead of grinding like they did, aside from the raiders who want bis, me included, I feel like my time leveling was shafted, but I am reminded this is a game, and at the end of the day, my achievements mean nothing.

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I like the way they’re doing classic… granted, I don’t like Vanilla and would place it lower than even BFA and WOD… they’re doing it right, a few quality of life bits and no, boosts are not pay to win. It’s clear tons of people dont know what pay to win is… a boost and a manually leveled 58, both are on par with another… if it was pay to win… the boosted character would be superior in every way.

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Can I get a TLDR what op is crying about this time? Or is it the same thing as the other 5x and I can report as spam and move on?


People really do ignore a ton of the really janky or poorly done stuff that existed in classic. My memories weren’t formed around the content of classic so much as the people I experienced the content with. WOTLK is the one that dominates my mind for quality of raids and actual content as I really did love many of the raids in WOTLK, Uldum and ICC specifically.