Don’t Pay for Faction/Race Change

I’ve been waiting for a faction change I paid for yesterday and it’s still processing. At this point I’d rather just have my money back and start playing the game with friends since the new patch dropped and who knows how long this can take. We pay monthly for a game and even pay for services within the game and get, at best, a 48-hour response time? How can I play the game I’m paying for, but have no access to?

Yeah, you can refund it as long as you didn’t use it you’re good. Just make a ticket;

What’s wrong with waiting, POket-TaN?! Good tingz come to dose dat waitz. wiggles uwu;

By the time blizzard responds to a ticket, I’ll be far behind my friends. Lesson learned, don’t pay for any in-game services if you intend to play anytime soon.

Just for the future, it’s probably not a good idea to purchase that service the day before a big patch. They don’t have the best customer service. It might improve once all the employees are no longer “working” from home.


Crazy that we pay the same, but service deteriorates

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This is kind of on you, no offense but buying stuff on a major patch/tuesdays is not a great day. Just because so many bugs and whatever r being fixed.

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The customer support window in-game is stuck on a loading screen too. I’ve reloaded/reloaded/restarted my computer and it’s still stuck on loading. What a joke

Post a ticket and also make a post over on the support forums, seems to be the quickest way to get help.

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Most people can’t make a ticket right now either, I for one have been on a loading screen to make one for 12 minutes :joy:

You’ll have to wait for the ticket system. Nothing can be done on the forums about a refund.

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Patch day not a good day for this service. Are you on a big server?

Hopefully by tonight, but you know how new content brings most people back

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

I get that just want to make sure everyone else knows not to make the same mistake. Don’t waste money on in-game services if you intend to play at all near a patch, and blizzards ticket system is down

I did one yesterday too and it glitched out hard. It sent me mail from days ago and didn’t actually do the faction change then when I logged into the unchanged character and logged out the faction change icon moved right next to the character instead of being in the top right so I clicked it and did the customization again and it worked in literally 2 seconds. Not sure if that helps but just my experience from 23 hours ago.

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Imagine faction changing when 1000’s of others are doing it also… things take time you know.

It doesn’t help that people throw in thousands upon thousands of frivolous tickets which backs up the system.
Which is why you have to jump through hoops with the automated system.

Just try and be patient. It can take between 24-48 hours for things to get processed, especially on major content days when everyone and their mother is getting on and buying stuff.

Well hopefully people will see this and refrain from paying for a faction transfer or any in-game service until blizzard can manage it. Blizzard will happily take our money and not put a stop on it when it becomes too much, they’ll instead provide piss-poor service.

How is waiting “piss-poor service”?

YOU chose to purchase something literally the day prior 10.1.
That’s not blizzards fault.

There is an internal queue you have to wait in to get processed. You can’t skip the line because you complained via the forums. I was going to buy a race change last night and was like oh… tomorrow is tuesday AND 10.1… probably not a good idea.

Just a hint of common sense and a sprinkle of critical thinking goes a long way.

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Or, Blizzard could easily stop paying customers from going through that by stopping purchases beyond a quota, you know, beyond what they can handle in a given time. But sure, it’s the paying customers fault for not waiting longer. :joy:

That makes zero sense from a business stand point.

Yes lets stop the purchasing of goods because the line is getting longer. Said no company ever.

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