Don’t chicken out on a Support role!

You can have whatever opinion you’d like but just understand you’re not arguing with other players on this, you’re arguing with Blizzard. They’re making it clear they do not want Augmentation to be a walking stat aura. And here you are saying “YES THEY ARE BLIZZ!!! YES THEY ARE!!!”

Blizzard has told you that you are wrong with this nerf. How does it feel to be wrong.

You say “chicken out” but have you noticed that chickens aren’t afraid of anything? They’re fearless.

They were never enthusiastically embraced. Unlike Augmentation.

Oh dude, own some chickens. I’ve had 8.

I fell asleep on the grass in the backyard where my chickens, I woke up and my little roaming Ilya and Penny got so scared. All I did was sit up.

They can be surprisingly fearful of many things.

He confuses stupidity with bravery. They can be idiot savants, but idiots they are.

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You quoted me and insulted me but also agreed with me and yet left out the part that explains why they needed a dps buff… the dps buff isnt specifically for group content, it is so they dont need to change specs just to kill 1 mob solo in open world. In dungeons and raids they dont need to dps as they buff the others damage as you mentioned and quoted me. The nerf was needed as it was optimal to just run 1 tank some dps and augments. But even with the numerous nerfs they are still strong to buff allies just doesnt stack to well

And the trend continues…

And a huge nerf on the eve of season three. :frowning:

That still leaves you the highest dps raid spec and most sought after Mythic+ spec by miles…

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Lol this dumb spec has to be one of the worst decisions this game has ever seen.


I mean the damage increase is why i finally played an evoker…

Back in-line with all the other DPS. Rest in peace support role.

Yea not happening you are taking one spot (dps) which have many many different spec and people playing and giving it to aug evoker(support( and there is only 1 support spec in the game so pretty much anyone who plays an Aug Evoker will get a spot 100% of the time.

Only solution is to design and expect group size to 1 tank 1 healer 3 ddps and 1 support for 5man is not 6man contecnt for raids size went to 25 to 30 people. And design or change some of the current spec to support.

More nerf is needed nerf the buff they give to tanks and healers by 50% and remove some of its utilities

Aug existing and being mandatory for group work is the issue. There is no reason why a support role should even exist in MMOs.

Get rid of it and split the support stuff around to the healers. They should have that stuff, it makes sense.

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You people may not have experienced the utter shame of being once greatness, The Enhancement Shaman, then being relegated to the support role. You go from being one of the most feared classes in classic, BC, and the first half of WoTLK to a supplmental healer for raids, unable to even cleanse poisons of dots from warlocks and rogues in arenas, to all but being nerfed for the remaining 12 years of the game… and now this support character comes up and the same thing happens to them. You people calling for nerfs likely never healed for a season in Solo Shuffle, never supported in a pug br, or tried to get on a rbg team for years… shame on you all. You know who you are.


The MMO space is arguably the only genre in which the Support role can truly be expressed. The only issue is that it’s Evoker exclusive.

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Says the Aug…

MMO support roles have always been a failure. It’s why most good mmo’s have moved away from them.

Very ironic opinion from an Enhancement Shaman, which was WoW’s poster support spec at launch before they chickened out the first time. :slight_smile:

Honestly, I don’t see why they couldn’t create a 4th category called “Support” and this will replace one DPS slot in a party roster.

It would welcome some flexibility. Don’t want a support? Get another DPS. Wanna try something different? Get an Augvoker. I can see some mages or warlocks fulfilling this new spec.

I’m gonna keep this thread on a bookmark. What WOULD be unique is some pure DPS classes given a new spec altogether, just like the Druid when they got their guardian spec.

Support roles makes pure dps players kinda mad as they need a specific buff from a specific class to increase their effectiveness.

Back in my day :older_adult:, we used to get double stam ,double mark , double kings buff , double might buffs . We also needed many paladins as well to get all the aura buffs. :rofl:

Didn’t Blizzard say we want to do away with that and make every class complete on its own . Which is why even though I like the Power infusion buffs priests give I understand why some players hated it. So why is Blizzard now trying to bring all the support buffs again .