Dominion 5/8m area-52 horde

Hopefully I get a good cache.

I doubt it! I have not gotten one good thing from my cache since 8.2 went live. I just want a 455 titanforged haste/vers ring with a gem socket is that to much to ask for Kobra!

Its not fluffy and all I want is a 440 crawg off hand with a socket!

I can dream.

Today has been a bad today i think im starting to get sick hopefully it passes tomorrow morning!

Oh no! Get better soon!

Its pretty late!

It is now early morning!

Got nothing good from my cache just like i thought and still even more sick than last night!

I also got nothing from my cache!

Get better soon fluffy!

What a good night. Get better soon fluffy!

I think its key time.

Still looking for exceptional dps apps!

Its so late!

It is now the afternoon.

Still looking for exceptional dps!

The ranged are looking lonely could use more!

Would love some multi dotting dps!

B umpity bump