Dominion 5/8m area-52 horde

That no good fluffy! Although I agree, we need all exceptional dps and casters!

Need all the range to multi dot.

It is now the morning time!

Its too early.

It is now lunch time.

It is now the evening!

Still chilly outside.

Its still chilly outside.

Its not as warm today as it was this past week.

This is very true.

Still looking for exceptional dps! Would love some ranged!

Wow the weekend is over. How rude!

Fell asleep on my desk again whats going on with my sleeping schedule! Also need more ranged dps mainly Multi Dotters to carry us all to victory in Mythic Queens Court!

Yeah you really gotta stop that! Although its sleepy time.

It is now the afternoon.

What a day!

Laundry Day sucks but still need Exceptional Multi Dot Dps!

I took too many naps today.

Looking for ranged and multi dotters alike!

Still looking for exceptional dps!