Doing the class mount quest in 8.3?

I’m trying to get to the Mage class mount quest at the moment and nothing is showing up in my order hall. The only order hall quest I have is recovering the Tears of Elune. From what I’ve read, that quest isn’t a prerequisite of anything at all. Anyone go through the Mage class mount quest line lately?

Have you done the Broken Shore questline? It’s under achievements “Breaching the Tomb”.

I just completed the quest the other night and got my disc. You have a long way to go. That link from Blkklt is great.

Ah crap…only two out of that entire thing are completed…

It’s definitely doable though. Don’t try to rush it. I found the longest part was completing the mage order hall campaign (because of having to send followers on missions a set number of times, but I had that done when Legion was still live.