Hey guys. Id thought id take the time to showcase the work of a man from my server of Emerald Dream. He mainly goes by Lohkawas or Leidolfr on horde side.
He has been running for the past 6 months. A community paper called The Redwood Times. Where he does articles on community related events in RP, the community has been pitching in articles and advertisements as well.
I wanted to bring this to light because its just to show what a dedicated rp base our game has and it is not just Rp but PvP and PvE as well. So besure to visit the site. Or if your on the ED forums give his post a like.
If you were thinking of getting a start on Emerald dream we are hosting a “Kick-fish” sporting tournament. With gold, silver and bronze prizes to get any small group started on our server. You need only a small team. But anyways. Wishing you all the best and Good Journey.
[Quote] Redwood Times – Lucky Volume 13 Has hit the Internet!
In addition to below - @Clan Battlehammer a picture of your 10th anniversary shenanigans!!!
RAS Tales Returns as Conclave Confidential, continuing tales of of a Dark Iron Dwarf and what are those Coldridge Company folks doing in Nazmir? The war escalates with attacks on Orgrimmar, the Docks, Stormwind, and Redridge and Coverage of a Charity event for the Autistic Self Advocacy Network!
Get your copy this morning and enjoy it with your morning coffee, tea or juice!
And get ready for Kick Fish this Saturday in Shattrath – hosted by Kai… nevermind, make that Lohkawas![/quote]
Original post: [RP] Redwood Times Volume 13 Online
He really is a good guy. He even makes time to come to the events I do on the Alliance side, even if he has worked long hours before hand. usually one of the first ones there and always has drinks to give out to people.
What is this kick fish event and how does it work?
Honestly he deserves so much praise with how much work he does in Redwood tribe and also on ED. He’s honestly one of the most driven and creative RP’rs I’ve ever met and I hope to continue to work with him.
Check out the paper it’s actually one of EDs favorite things that has been happening in RP.
HAHA kickfish is a Emerald Dream sport, in which we kick that fish from MOP content (its a toy, puts a flopping kickable fish on the ground) we have many game types with it. From get it in the crack, to kick it to the water, to WPVP kickfish where you try to keep the fish in motion while tryin to not die.
((see while non rpers get bored of wow - rpers make some odd games and content for ourselves )
Fascinating. We usually see who can kick the carp closest to the raid boss without pulling.
I like games like this. A race would be fun I think.
That would be a good idea too! I dont raid but will let my guilds new raid team know about that idea.
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Just a warning though: dont do it while raid lead is trying to explain stuff and half the raid doesnt realize. Its not really an organized game or anything, just something Ive seen raiders doing while theyre bored, kind of like when they use the rainbow toy on the boss.
Oh and Jerry the snail is evil. Never use him while waiting to pull heroic Tichondrius. It makes Tich mad and he will kill half the raid team.
On topic: is there a community that outsiders can join? I dont play on ED and I wouldnt switch servers, but a community to gather people up would help if hes looking for participation.
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This Saturday will be 3 different kick-fish events!
Fish to Pole - speed event
Closest to water’s edge! - kicking to markers and closet to last marker gets the most points
Keep that fish Alive - keep the fish going - which our arena is lower city of Shattrath - and those cracks and crevices are a pain to get a fish out of… elimination type rounds.
hoping that folks enjoy - and yes, racing ideas are in the works… ||spoilers lol||
I read this redwood times thing and I actually think it’s really neat how roleplayers are duking out the faction war (though I prefer chaos of uncoordinated wpvp much better). Plus you can see the community effort that went into this, that’s really cool too.
horde rp community:
alliance rp community:
for ED
Oh one last carp idea that just popped into my head. Keeping a fish going while doing something else like a dungeon in a race, but no one can kick it twice in a row which means you couldnt have just a dedicated kicker.
Some of the attacks were not planned out I was one side attacking and the other coming along and then defending the attacks
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Lohkawas is a great guy and a great GM and I always have fun at any events he hosts and I enjoy his words of wisdom in are discord at now he shares with the ed community
The community is great and i wish blizzard would see it more often than the negative aspects of the internet.
Lohk is an officer in RWT but not GM…yet. We will see.
Lohk is GM of the Mystic Knight on a alliance toon
It a side project he does on wow on his free time when he not with redwood or writing the times
Best RP Newpaper I’ve seen.
The apartment for rent was all giggles.
The apartment ad is great Acialga of Coldridge did that one to match up with the Dark Iron Travels.
It really isn’t all me. We’ve had food recipes, and the spooky, scary redacted articles are not me either! But they are fantastic.
And just lucky to be on a server where we are having events and things to write about!
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Sister Clottia’s sounds more like a boot camp hahaha
This was a great read. Thanks for sharing