Doing BFA without chromie, does this affect my experience of the campaign storyline?

Basically, i started WOW when we were pushed into BFA before getting into SL or being able to exp any other content. So I have a toon halfway into BFA campaign, but found a workaround and I leveled an alt through dungeons to get to max lvl so i could play other content

now i want to continue my BFA experience, but it says i am not in Chromie Time, which makes sense because as a new player I was pushed into BFA at that time and I didnt access the expac via Chromie. I asked some guildies and they said that they werent sure about this and some stuff might be different because I didn’t enter BFA via Chromie.

Can someone please tell me if this is true, or am I getting the full BFA story experience? A GM or moderator replying me would be great, thanks

I’m neither Yirema, but I can tell you what I know. You get less experience and lower quality drops for not using Chromie time, but the entire quest chain is easier to complete without it. Chromie time gives you more bang for your buck, but it might make leveling seem like more of a slog. That’s really the summary.


This is critical to your understanding of what’s going on.

When a character reaches level 70, that character is ejected from Chromie Time and can never get back into it. So any level 70+ will be out of Chromie Time.

This is why it says you are not in Chromie Time. It has nothing to do with being pushed into BfA. (Incidentally, when you were pushed into BfA, you were also automatically pushed into Chromie Time … but you were automatically dropped out of it when you hit 70.)

No, definitely not.

Chromie Time affects ONLY the levels and power of the mobs you meet in the game, and the item levels of the rewards you get. It doesn’t add or remove any quests, or dungeons, or mobs, or story.

All Chromie Time does is to scale mobs so that they always appear at your own level, give or take one level. Chromie Time does not change anything else.

You are getting exactly the same quests, story, campaign, everything as if you were still in Chromie Time. It’s just a lot easier and faster doing it at max level.


thanks both of you