is there a hidden word with the two listed?
To be honest, every single structure built in every covenant except the table feels like a gigantic waste. I mean if you dump more anima than we’ve earned so far in the game into the travel one supposedly you get a port to Oribos but still… doesn’t seem worth it.
Some are so bad its like a brutal insult, such as the Queen’s Conservatory in faerie elf land. The rewards are so bad I’d rather get nothing at all.
This has been the standard since WoD.
Or even earlier. When flight was introduced, you had to be max level (or near, for a Druid) and have a lot of money, more than most people comfortably had earned by that point in Burning Crusade.
The number of times flight has been just a gimme right away in an expansion is extremely few. You almost always have had to earn it, which is fine by me.
Do those statistics tell them anything useful?
If there aren’t more FPs around and we HAVE to use the other methods of traversing the regions, are we using them because they’re a great success or because we have no choice?
Well, i can’t answer that question.
You always have the choice to use them or not.
Regarding stats: they can know the percent of the player base who discovered these travel alternatives. They can give a bit of the context in which they were used (time, location, daily callings/wq’s available), etc. By what class they where used more often. There is an infinite number of things they could check: who knows what Blizzard is looking for.
You have to be most grating person on here - a rather impressive achievement. What’s even more astounding, is your delusional self of sense worth, and that you think your solutions are anything more than drivel.
Self worth?! I am LITERALLY telling you that you find your woes to be the woes of all, which is pretty damn delusional. You know who the most heard often are? The small percent of angry people that post their opinions on the forums. Why is that? Because the rest (the majority of players/consumers in ANY industry) don’t bother.
You’re here trying to toss all your points as factual points that everyone dislikes.
About the only thing that everyone seems displeased with is the loot issue, and you want to believe they’re doing it “out of spite” like some sort of child. As if people don’t try to make game design thinking people might like it and just turn out incorrect, like general humans often do! INSTEAD, you would like to demonize other humans and showcase them as “hateful, spiteful beings looking to rid the fun of the game” LIKE AN ACTUAL CHILD that has no perception of reality outside of their own emotions.
FFS, learn a bit about life and perspective before crying your skewed emotions everywhere.
It’s right there.
The latest sources say August. Still think I was being pessimistic?
Please edit your title to read “The lawyers at the winter storm company” just to spite them. I don’t know why them removing blizzard irritates me so much but it really really does.
Ugh fooled by the second necro thread of the night. Curse you Necromancers!!!
This hurts on personal level.
So you came back after a month and necrod a thread because you wanted to be super cool and prove me wrong. I don’t even care to remember conversations I had with people two days ago.
Yet what is your source? Bellular? Seriously? The guy who literally does anything he can in the WoW sphere to gain clicks and views when he’s not busy reading off Wowhead and calling that a video?
Blizzard hates their fans what can I say
The last 3 expansions everything that was a horrible idea rolled into one giant turd that is SL.