Does your workplace get “upset” when you call out?

Off-topic: For some reason that old cat gif makes me laugh every single time…


Also the jobs where coming in sick is not only the worst, but a real health hazard, are always the ones that give the biggest stinks.

No… I’m not going to come in to COOK FOOD FOR OTHERS while I have diarrhea


I find it interesting you guys say “calling out”

We always say calling IN sick, cause we actually have to call in to report it :wink:

(Ontario Canada)


It’s interchangeable in my area, but the folks who default to calling IN are generally older in my experience.


You’re paying the price for every goof who “calls out” when they get the “I want to sit on the couch” bug.

Businesses are pretty justified of being skeptical of employee call outs.

Under communism, you’d be made to work under threat of imprisonment.

I guess Capitalism ain’t all that bad if you have to get a doctor’s note for a 3 day absence.


If they pay well, just ignore them.


It depends on who’s calling out.

If it’s someone’s favorite they have no problem if the favorite is calling out because they have a cough or “just don’t feel good.” And let them come back without a doctor’s excuse.

If you’re not a favorite…it’s just better to
show up even if sick so they can see that you’re sick and send you back home because it’s a hassle to call in.

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My first workplace was a horrible place where they got mad at me for being sick, yeah.
The first time I was sick, they scolded me on the phone and wanted to know what kind of illness I have that prevents me from coming in. They even said at the end that it’s my choice but I should at least try to come anyway - while I could barely talk, I had almost no voice and my nose was clogged.
A few months later I had a very bad bronchitis and came to work anyway. But I couldn’t take it any longer after a while and just coughed my lungs out at work. When I approached my two colleagues they already suspected that I wanted to ask if I could go home and immediately asked “What is it this time, huh? Again?”.
After a few more months I left this place, those women were the worst humans I’ve ever met and were so mean to everyone. Sadly our boss didn’t really recognize that and just said “Oh no, they don’t mean it. Maybe it’s a misunderstanding”.

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I’m the manager of a small retail store. I can usually tell if I’ve hired a gamer, and I let them know that I am one as well. If they play a game and an expansion comes out, or they have a huge event scheduled in their game, whatever it is, I just tell them to let me know, and I will do my best to make sure they have that day/time off. I figure if I can keep them happy outside of work, then they will be a good worker that I can count on.


I was a soldier, a preacher, and a teacher. That was for a combined total of just over 40 years. I cannot remember ever having called out due to illness. Yeah, really. I am now 74 years of age and in the last four years I have spent more time visiting doctors, staying in hospitals and just being sick than I did in my previous 70 years. It sucks.

If I were you I wouldn’t worry too much about it. If they can’t handle it, screw 'em.


That kinda stuff is a double whammy of awfulness in that regard. Lets face it, most low end jobs are jobs that require you to interface with people quite often which means you likely aren’t making much money. Add onto that that margins are razor thin on said jobs just because of how competitive the restaurant business can be, means crews even at full size are skeletal, meaning one or two calling in can hurt alot. Back when I worked at the deli at a local grocery store chain there were more than a few times I came in while I was sick because I was one of two closers and didn’t want to leave my friend to get screwed over. I wasn’t ever really in any financial dire straits but I can imagine the pressure to not miss a day or two for someone who is. All around the tl;dr is that restaurant work just freaking sucks all around for everyone because any good solution such as, iunno, actually paying them a decent wage or getting more workers would lead to the prices of food driving off a ton of customers who want food for basically free.

I’m not technically allowed to call-in sick and have to have a medical professional determine that for me. If they decide that I’m too sick or have a specific sickness, then I’ll still have people calling me with questions and such.

It honestly hasn’t been a problem except kind of this past month or two due to a lot of other stuff going on and me getting sick more often recently than I have before.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks for that …ohmylawd! :raised_hand:

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I don’t care, I am out guys … peace

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My job allows us to use sick days as personal days, and I make sure to use them every single year. Nothing worse than leaving money on the table. My immediate supervisor may hate it, but thats her problem. I take every extra dollar I can make short of trading my time for money.


My workplace is my home office. Part of my contract is that I make my own hours as long as I work at least 30 hours a week. I don’t get sick time though.

Can’t say much except it does happen during the worse time too,inspection time. I didn’t want shingles either,man 14 days off wasn’t fun at all ,isolation ,pain and you can’t stay awake to even play wow is torture.

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Sounds like 3 days on 4 days off to me. Not too bad, not too bad.

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100% if they are not thinking of their guests and your health, that’s horrible.

If they keep giving you crap, tell them would you rather you infect every person you come into contact with? Get a doctor’s note if you can. If a doctor says you can’t go in you can’t go in. Health comes first.


Too bad copays can be a full days work, if you don’t have sick pay at your work you could lose a whole day AND another day to copay :S