Does WoW need level scaling for the older zones?

I’m not sold on your idea, but you should stress the idea that scaling means more than bad scaling, which is what wow players are accustomed to.

A scaling system that scales to level and not gear would mean that power gains with gear would still trivialize open world content eventually, but players who don’t push endgame content would still have enemies that are neither too hard to kill, or limp dummies to fight.


I’d rather have the ability to scale down to the level’s zone.


I hate this so much. I hate scaling and what they did to leveling. My opinion… there should be no scaling whatsoever in the game.


What you’re talking about already exists from levels 10 to 50.

All zones, with the exception of zones in the Shadowlands expansion, will allow you to level up to 50. Then you have to play Shadowlands content for the final 10.

Blizzard will not allow players to level from 50 to 60 in old content. Not during the content cycle of Shadowlands. After Shadowlands? Maybe. The groundwork is set to allow it, they just have to tweak some numbers. But before Shadowlands ends? Nope, not going to happen.

Hearthstone is proof this is bad. Look at how the “Classic” set of cards worked. Anything that was usable expansion to expansion when the scaling was flat eventually had to be nerfed because it was too prevalent. Eventually Hearthstone did away with their “Classic” set and replaced it with a “Core”. The “Core” for an expansion of World of Warcraft in the dungeon content / M+, and the “expansion” loot is the loot from the currently active raid. And this paradigm has worked for Legion, worked somewhat for BFA, and is working for Shadowlands. We don’t need to go backwards when we already have Hearthstone as an example of why it would be bad to do so.

We need a mastery mode.

Reset level to 10 and get to re-level for character portrait mogs.

Unique combat animations.

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No. That’s just a make-work project with no real benefit to players.

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Oh right sorry, forgot you spoke for all players.

FYI - as a player, I disagree. I can see plenty of RPG benefits from a revamp.

RPG…I know, foreign letters around here for the many.

Scaling sucks


make crometime go to sisty ur post is to long u can say make crometime go to sisty and all get it

While you’re at it, why not bring out but I want to level with my low level friends argument too? lol

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I don’t have friends in WoW nor any IRL friends that play WoW and not sure what that has to do with your original “no real benefit to the players” comment.

As a player, I would see plenty of benefits being able to enjoy older content on one character and it scale to me so it’s not a one shot snoozefest on everything with irrelevant gear drops and quests.

Should just be a feature for Chromie Time (making it available past 50). Then it’s an opt in system.

I like a non linear path I can take

No, outdated mobs should be lower level than you. Also legion really should have been squished to 40 instead.


What a stupid idea.

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What a stupid response.

Scaling of any sort should never have gone beyond Timewalking holidays, in my opinion.


Completely agree. Scaling is stupid.


make crometime go to sisty