Does /who not work anymore

I did a “/who” of guild that was standing right next to me. It said 0 players online. Does it not work anymore? Is there an alternative, it’s seems it’s been broken for quite sometime.

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same server?

Are you using the proper format?
/who g-"guildname"

Broken for a long time now.

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It doesn’t work with layering - it only works for the layer you are on…


I feel like it’s been broken for awhile.

This is unnecessary. It’s just broken with sharding.

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Yes, they are on the same server

I’m not sure what you mean. Let’s say a guild’s name is “The Duchy of Emberwind” on moonguard

I type in " /who the duchy of Emberwind" even though they are online, I don’t see any of them. Is there a addon that can help. Am I doinng something wrong?

That is pretty much the problem you are facing. You might be on shard 3, and the others might be on shards 1, 2, 5, 6 etc…

Is sharding and layering synonymous terms? They appear to be but than I throw in phasing. All those nuances…

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To be honest, I don’t know the difference, all I know is that each server has different instances for various zones, which overlap when the bodycount gets too high… Layering/sharding seems to be used interchangeably for the same thing…


Yeah, that makes sense to me

Without the g-“name” the search won’t specifically match a guild name, try:

/who g-“The Duchy of Emberwind”

You say it isn’t necessary, but it is, and I just tested it. It’s easy to say its broken because of sharding, but in fact if you try the proper form, amazingly, it works. When you don’t specify g-“Guild Name” it will only search players in your shard. But when you do specify the g-“Guild Name” it searches specifically for Guild names on your entire server and any connected to it. Try it, instead of being wrong.
WoW Wiki /WHO