Does unlearning talents keep just doubling in gold cost?

How does the cost for this work?

Here’s how it works:

  • The first reset of your talent points costs 1 gold, regardless of your level and the number of talent points to reset.
  • The next one costs 5 gold coins.
  • Each reset increases the cost of the next 5 gold coins, up to a maximum of 50 gold coins.
  • The cost is reduced by 5 gold coins every month, but can not be less than 15 gold coins.

Caps at 50g per respec. It degrades 5g per month down to a min of 30g i think.

Edited: There you go - 15g min.

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Originally back in vanilla it started off at 10s, then 50s, THEN 1g. Classic now starts at 1g, don’t know why

Now read OPs for information.

Then when you want to respect go to a talent calculator. Then think long and hard or research. Make choices and stick with those choices or pay.

I use


The website lets me build a talent spec with a sequence so it can be easily used when leveling. I can then paste the url into the addon to apply it while leveling or respeccing. The addon even saves these specs so you can switch between them easily. It works very well and you don’t have to worry as much about picking the wrong talents.