Does the Tomb Stalker Mount exist on the Black Market Auction House?

I have 8 70’s on 8 different servers. I’ve checked everyday since patch and I’ve never seen one. No friend of mine has seen one on any other server either.

Also, the item you would bid on “mummified raptor skull” does not exist on TSM’s database nor does “Tomb Stalker.” – yet all the others do.

The only source I have that this mount was added is a you tube video.

Wait. Isn’t that the mount from a bfa dungeon boss? I don’t think it was ever on the BMAH.

They added 8 new mounts to BMAH – I’ve seen 7 of the 8 – multiple times – but never this one.

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Is King’s Rest hard to solo, or something? I figured you could burst down the mummy boss before he entombs you these days.

I’d use those 8x 70’s to farm for it.

It’s a 1 in 200 drop, you could do it 1000 times and still not see it drop. The enemies are weak but not one shot or anything, it still takes time and is at the end of the dungeon. I’ve probably done this 100 or more times already.

10.1.5 added the BfA dungeon boss mounts.

I am looking if anyone has seen this mount on BMAH. I’m wondering if it’s glitched. I’ve seen all the other ones 5-6-7-10 times over.

That I can’t help you with, unfortunately. I haven’t paid attention to the BMAH in a while. I’ll ask some friends if they’ve noticed it.

That’s not too bad, although I’m of the opinion that no rare drop mounts should be lower than 1/100. I’m not a stranger when it comes to buying mounts, i just tend to farm the ones that I’m capable of farming alone though, because when they’re done, i don’t have much left to do in the game lol

Generally speaking i’ll throw gold at things i can’t earn/farm on my own. Good luck finding the one you’re after though!

Funny enough, i got the mount from the mega dungeon boss

I didn’t realize it dropped from the Mega, that is good to know.

Yeah, as far as we know so far the mount from the DF mega-dungeon can become any of the pre DF dungeon drop mounts.

I’ve been soloing King’s Rest this entire time. It’s crazy easy to kill that boss before becoming entombed.