Does the renown increase on character boosts work for existing characters or just new?

Can’t quite fit the clearer form of the question in the title so let me add context.

When boosting characters, things like Dragonflight renown are also boosted to level 20 (or so I’ve been reading). Assuming that’s the case, does this also work if the boost is applied to an existing character that’s say, level 50-60?

It’s been so long since I’ve used a character boost, and I have several since I have a ton of characters already. However, I missed out on a huge chunk of Dragonflight and want to go back and rep grind for vanity stuff but am too lazy to grind out levels 5-20 if I can just get there for free by using one of my stockpiled character boosts.


Hello fellow space :goat:

Yep assuming the rep boost still works for DF it should work for a character that’s already 50-60.

Bear in mind Dragonflight Renown is account wide so I’d just use the boost on a character you’ll play. It should take account for all your characters.

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