Does the Horde intend to continue war against the Alliance?

I mean, do we even consider Ironforge, Thunderbluff, Exodar and SMC capital cities anymore? They never get updates, they don’t have essential/major quest NPCs - they don’t even have transmog vendors. Every single expansion since Cata has used SW and Org as the main hub; we might as well not even have other cities anymore.

Why not, they implemented Gilneas for me to dismantle and destroy? Its what we do as Horde players.

I mean, that is a fair point. Theramore, Gilneas, Teldrassil, Southshore… I think I’m finally beginning to understand why Blizzard designs quest hubs and cities!

Ironforge has been sitting in the corner trying to get ignored, but it could very will be next on my list of Alliance cities to wipe off the map. Gnomergan has been wrecked by its own citizens, the Exodar isn’t worth our time, we recently raided Stormwind, I think Ironforge could be next.

Honestly, it’s been doing a pretty dang good job of getting ignored by Blizzard, that’s for sure.

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There was a little snafu* with Moria trying to assert her authority but its been crickets since. They are basically sitting there minding their business begging for me to flush them out with blight.

Pro-tip - start asking publicly for meaningful, positive story development for your Horde characters. That’s a huge blinking light for Blizzard, and without any doubt they’ll immediately send you on the genocidal, city razing path. Works every time.


Its really a double edge sword, and I don’t blame fans for wanting their favorites from staying out of the spotlight.

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See - that’s why I stopped giving a crap. I just roleplay these days. I won’t buy new expansions, I don’t buy store mounts, I don’t do new content - I just run RP stories with friends and guildies and that’s it.

Best decision ever was giving up on the game’s narrative future.


Anduin is incoherent. He completely abandoned his duty to his allies and their holdings.
I totally expected a turn to evil arc with him covering his BFA decisions, because they are insane.
The Night Elves should be spitting on the Alliance, it failed and betrayed them entirely.

Wasn’t that just a good way to show off the mighty Human Varian?
EDIT: Removed intemperate statement.

I don’t have a great memory of that story piece, so maybe I’m forgetting something.

Night Elves should have outright abandoned the Alliance and reformed the Kaldorei empire.

The only reason Varian got involved really was because Anduin (loud groan) was there and got held captive. Moria has proven to be one of the few Dwarven characters who actually puts her money where her mouth is and acts.


That could have been interesting.

Far more interesting than having Kaldorei die to restore a lost human kingdom. And being sent on suicide missions for a human kingdom.

But we can’t have her taking on her birthright role!



It’s neither dismantled nor destroyed

just a giant city chilling on a map unused

while the Alliance controls the entire surrounding territory canonically, by land and sea, but mysteriously not Gilneas


You have my vote as the new Minister of Peace, Lord Orwell.


Surprisingly enough, if there is a new war it looks like it might be the Alliance starting it this time.

There’s been a lot of speculation that when we return from the Shadowlands, it will be into a reality where AU Yrel and X’era have arrived on Azeroth and been welcomed into SW by Turalyon who is currently holding the throne in Anduin’s absence. And from what we’ve seen from Turalyon’s dialogue, he’s talked about potentially trying to take back ‘old Alliance holdings’ like Lordaeron so it’s not too big a stretch to see an idea like that be influenced into becoming a reality by someone like Yrel and especially Xe’ra who could liken it to a holy war to cleanse the impure filth of the Horde.

And considering what has happened to Anduin in the Shadowlands, I don’t think he’s going to be the same kind of person by the time we rescue him from his tormented existence. And furthermore, it’s highly possible that Turalyon who has the support of the nobles might actually refuse to give the throne back to him when he returns for a number of reasons such as the idea that he’s now an agent of darkness, has been corrupted etc.

I think there’s a high possibility that Anduin might be exiled from SW or even imprisoned due to the influence of Yrel and Xe’ra and we the players will have to rescue him and start a resistance to the religious fanaticism that has taken hold of SW and perhaps other races who have been duped by the seeming benevolence of the AU Draenei and Turalyon’s support thereof.

We could even see the reformed Scarlet Brotherhood joining with Turalyon as fellow zealots and see Alliance forces used to try to eradicate struggling Horde races like the Forsaken from Lordaeron as unclean abominations and even the Blood Elves whom Turalyon sees even Paladins like Lady Liadrin as perversions of the Light.

The cracks are definitely there ready to be exploited.


I suppose you haven’t read BtS?

I haven’t read a WoW book in a long time, they just don’t do it for me anymore.

I know the Scarlet Brotherhood has started reforming and recruiting again. As well, that they’ve started all this propaganda against Anduin being in league with Sylvanas along with the claim that there is another heir to the Lordaeron throne that they’re protecting to add legitimacy to their arguments and organization.

Or are you referring to something else?

Turalyon is now BFFs with the Forsaken.

Even if he is, that probably won’t last long if AU Yrel and Xe’ra show up and start getting their hooks into him.

“Alliance bias” and “human potential”. The Forsaken will be drawn to the source of Light like moths to a lantern, they will serve it faithfully. Turalyon will be “vaccinated” and will heroically save the Forsaken from spontaneous combustion.