Does the Horde intend to continue war against the Alliance?

Wasn’t that the Argent Tournament? Lol.


The quest dialogue should say something like 'We have reports that a night elf druid is attempting to grow a new world tree right near the border of Ashenvale and the Barrens! That’s much too close to our territory for such a valuable enemy asset; sneak into elf territory and cut it down!"

…then when you actually get to the tree, it’s comically small- knee high to an orc. It turns out the reports are either wildly exaggerated, the druid in question is too weak to create anything remotely powerful, or both. The goblin NPC accompanying you shakes his head in disgust saying “THIS is not meaningful resource to exploit!”, while the Forsaken NPC just complains “Rats, I was hoping for something bigger again!” and chops it down anyway.


Put the Horde out of your mind for a second,
When is the Ebon Blade going to continue its one-(wo)man war of extermination against dragons?

If it means making the Alliance into the good guys, I’m sure Blizzard will start another war with Horde instigating.


The majority of the alliance leadership is still alive. Any demi god powered alliance Hero is a threat to the existence of the Horde. If the Horde does nothing to see Jaina killed then they are traitors who should be executed and killed as such.

It never belonged to you.

There are plenty of ways that the Horde and Alliance could continue the war against each other.


  • There Genn and his daughter who, unlike Tyrande, don’t seem to have moved past vengeance.
  • The Kul Tirans might want to settle some old scores.
  • Apart from Magni neither the Dwarfs nor the Gnomes don’t seem to be keen on peace with the Horde.

And several more (including Blizzard’s lazy, cliché and preachy idea of using Light fanaticism to make the Alliance the aggressors). Those factors could motivate the Horde to keep the war going with the Alliance. As for the Horde themselves…


  • Gallywix might have been overthrown, but he’s still alive. While he may not have loyalists, bribes and spies are something he’s definitely into.
  • Sylvanas still has in-game loyalists who would fan the flames of conflict even - maybe especially - if she’s gone for good.
  • Geya’rah’s pretty bloodthirsty even without factoring in the Draenei and Light worshippers.
  • The Vulpera have got a bad impression of the Alliance.
  • Talanji wants to settle the score concerning her father’s death, and their current patron loa Bwonsamdi - while not a warmonger - is very much fine with more death.
  • There’s some bad blood (pun not intended) between the Blood Elves and the Void Elves.
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There are lots of ways they could reignite the faction war, sure.

But they’d all be really dumb, and bad. Because we have literally seen what we get out of a faction war story, and there’s no way they can ‘do it right’. I personally find the cold war state to be much more nuanced and complex, because open faction war always ends up ruining characters as well as the themes of the various races.


I don’t think they do the durable, ongoing story well.

They did use Cold War imagery in Before the Storm for the Gathering. Then they blew that up into war. (And then by Shadows Rising they had turned that into a simple good/bad event anyways.)

When it was the RTS games, and even with the Xpac it was limited content, we didn’t have to deal with the lack of world vision we’re running into right now.

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The Horde is committed to peace.

… what? Oh, these papers that say “War Plans”… that is just… short for “warning plans”! In case we ever get an evil warchief again, we are making plans so we can war-n you!


Contingency plans!

Nonsense with the Council System, next Villain Bat will lead to the total extermination of all Primary, Secondary and Tertiary horde leadership


The mighty plot, shall not bow to your carefully crafted work. It shall go forward, no matter the barrier, reason, purpose, cause, effect, etc, etc, etc.



Been saying this for years. People place blame on fictional characters and not the writers that conduct them.


Very closely related is that the problem with the faction conflict isn’t that the Alliance doesn’t get to destroy or just brutalize the Horde to it’s whims, its that people feel justified in demanding it. It’s bad for a two faction game where neither side are meant to be villains, and even one with a clear good and bad wouldn’t make the good side feel they have so much power over the evil side that’s just held back by plot contrivance. What’s a villain whose not an actual threat except for the dramatic start of the story? A bad one.


It’s weird how the NEs still managed to win the Darkshore Warfront…while still hiding in Stormwind.

I’ll fight any war Rexxar wants me to!

Right. Which is pretty much the exact position the Horde Council is in now. A brand new organization that has not yet firmly established its power and influence over the races of the Horde.

It’s not so much giving it back as…you never bothered to hold it. You just kind of sacked it.

One side or the other needs to resettle Alterac dammit!

Random Horde council Member = Acting Goblin Senator Jar Jar.

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I think the Frostwolves should claim Alterac and rebuild the ruins as a Horde city.

The forsaken can resettle Strahnbrad.

Why can’t some places just be owned and run by independent powers? Why does there always need to be control by horde or alliance?


Narratively speaking, the Alliance should be out for blood. It would make sense at this point. Anduin, at least from my perspective, is written as entirely out of touch; his people have been massacred, brutalized, and forced to suffer inhumane conditions at the hands of the Horde, with no sign of reparations or making amends. An armistice is not proof of remorse, forgiveness, or any effort to repair the damage that’s been done. It’d make the most sense for there to be a rebellion, and have the Alliance go on the offensive.

The Horde, however, has more reasons than not to want peace at this point. That’s been the case since MoP, and yet Blizzard keeps finding reasons to be like “no, they should pursue genocidal war. Let’s do it. People will love the Horde becoming villains again.”

The problem is, Blizzard has absolutely no idea what a sensible narrative is, or what consistent character development looks like, and so they’ll swing either faction wherever is needed in order to create hype.

If that means the Horde committing yet another atrocity just to start a war, so be it. Even if it doesn’t make sense.

There’s no way to predict what the factions will do in the story because the story is dependent on writers who see “cool explosive moments” as a good basis for long term story content. They don’t seem to care if the story makes sense or not.


Which capital do you think we will wipe off the map next? Maybe its time for Ironforge to finally feel the wrath?

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