Does the game just kinda End at 65?

So, I didnt Frogger or Goat or anything like that.

Finally hit 70 on my guy a little bit a go…and the game…just ended.

My Ilvl is 290 and any open world stuff is a complete slog to get through. I cant join raids because no one will invite a low ilvl 70 cause I am literally getting 1 shot by any AE mechanic.

So I guess the game just ends at this point? Get everything done you want to on a character by 65 or you might as well just stop? My cloak didnt get high enough to carry me, so I just, I dunno.

Honestly, the scaling needs to be fixed…big time.


Scaling’s fine in my opinion. Do a week of dailies while farming achievements and completing zones and your cloak will be packing. I’ve actually enjoyed getting over that wall they have you hit at 70 and now I can pull a dozen mobs and they die almost instantly.

The problem is the cost for upgrading gear.

But how do you Quest after 70? I mean, sure you can, but its basically 1 mob at at time and it takes 30 secs to kill each one? Taking FOREVER to quest at 70…I could pull packs of 10 at level 50?

NGL you sound dumb af. Another ex of a clueless player calling for nerfs. I’m guessing you’re doing content with sht gems socketed, and didnt take the time to get the 3 other achievement items that are extremely ez to get before attempting the 4th u get from doing the raids on normal.

In 3 days of doing the 3 dailies (takes 30 mins) and the 6 world bosses (takes another 30 mins). I’ve upgraded my cloak a sign. amount and gotten an okay amount of bronze I put towards gear. I’m now doing 500k dps on my UH DK and I didn’t abuse a single farm which is way more than enough dps needed to do normal raids. Stop complaining, run the dailies, get purple/gold threads. It’s stupidly ez but here you are on the forums.

This, but less rude. Get your trinkets and rings, socket perfect gems, make sure everything is 346, you wont have a problem. Socket in perfect speed gems if you have to, just get that stam.

I had no issues. Everything drops 346 once you hit 70. Do normal dungeons/scenarios.

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Yes, upgrading you gear/gems is important, doesn’t matter the cost, which is exorbitant, but it’s an investment for future earnings.