Hello there. Just started playing again after a very long hiatus. Missed a couple xpacs. I’m a tank at heart. Always played BDK. Have multiple lol.
I know there’s a a major debuff that tanks get in PvP, but does that apply to wpvp? I can’t sus up and answer on that. I’ll make the toxic people happy by not doing arena, but can we still be tanks in open world? I don’t want to play a spec/class I hate to have a little fun pvping on occasion.
Whaaaat? Since when? I remember in Legion/BfA they made it like 20-25%… Haven’t heard anything since.
Edit: Dang, looked it up and apparently it was a stealth nerf several years ago? Wild to me how none of this is made publicly available in game and you have to rely on outside sources for this information.
Thank you for the information everyone! I thought it was only instanced pvp. Kind of a bummer it’s all pvp. I remember soloing piles of people in Tol Barad as BDK in Cata. Those were the days!
I miss Flag carrying in Mists as Blood DK and killing 5 people by myself even though it was slow, I felt like I couldn’t die. On live now all tanks are the last role you would want to Flag carry and healers get blamed for trolling if they dont want to flag carry.
I for one do not care to relive the Legion Tank WPVP days.
Healers are harder to balance, because they need to be able to survive large groups attacking them, but also need to be killable by smaller groups. And I dont see a feasible way to scale them based on how many enemies are around them.
Because if they were less tanky than they are now, they would be a joke in group combat with everyone focusing them.
Welcome to how it should be. 10 people should absolutely delete a healer. 10 melee should actually have issues against a melee tank but ranged should not.
Right now a geared AF prot warrior can only kill people that are standing still and not healing themselves. I’ve won 3v1 fights but it required the opponents to be cocky because they outnumbered me, and it was still close.
Prot has the highest Single Target Burst potential of any warrior spec right now thanks to how execute talents work for prot warriors and both prot hero talent sets can demolish(pun intended) people if they choose to group up next to eachother in melee range.
5m damage demolish crits, 1m dmg thunderblasts, and 1.5 to 2.5m execute crits depending on target and how many executes have been done recently.
Basically, if you stand in front of a street paver eventually you get flattened.
That’s using a spec meant specifically for damage while ignoring most defensive talents, of course.
Not even super buffed out players? Because I do this. Its good for the solo players who might not have anyone to play with at a given time. It’s the only way I can fight against a group of players is by having heaps of world buffs and using different consumables.