Ten percent of your holy damage if you manage to do some holy damage so far seems to pale when compared to every enemy taking X damage when they hit you (or anybody else in your party). Especially since, if you’re really trying with Seal of Command, you’re probably using a low attack speed weapon, so an extra 10% on every other swing, on average. Compared to however many times a given enemy has attacked while you’ve swung twice.
depending on your RNG ret aura can do more solo but generally you just keep sanctity on. ret aura has some uses in dungeons when you don’t need a resistance aura but generally you’d keep sanctity on still.
you wouldnt use devo aura unless your tank is getting flattened.
How and when? Running the numbers I’m doing currently, my average Seal of Command damage is around 285, so Sanctity is adding 28.5 damage when I actually do get a proc.
Retribution Aura is currently doing 18 damage every time one enemy hits me (never mind fighting multiple enemies). Seal of Command would have to Proc every two enemy attacks to even attempt to keep up, and it doesn’t.
Does this change once gear/stats hit a certain point? Do mobs start attacking more slowly than a two-handed hammer starting at a certain level?
You would have consecrate and judge every 8 sec if you serious about dps. The increase in consecrate alone is more useful than pathetic 20 damage ret aura. This is not even a contest, why people so stupid
it is up to your SoC RNG whether its worth it, but are you going to shift back to Sanctity every melee with ret in between? doable but a hassle.
if you swap to ret aura and the next mob you get procs and they crit, it feels pretty bad too.
consecration also takes 400 mana, but at that level he won’t have consecration and sanctity aura.
it isn’t too different overall when levelling, just make sure to have sanc on when you do an empowered judgement at least. really sanc aura is just for the big numbers to show up on your screen.
If your group has melee dps in it, devo or resist aura. If your group has healers or ranged dps, really consider concentration aura, ESPECIALLY in PvP.
Ret is a utility spec, even with full BiS Naxx raid tier gear it will be sub par on the meters. Judging that you are only level 37 you asking more about solo questing and 5 man content. For solo, Devo will probably save you more time than anything.
As far as Seal of Casino goes, yes, look for damage range on the weapon, not necessarily DPS. Typically, that means 3.6 speed. You could try a holy spec “shockadin”, but for leveling and MC gear I’d assume the results will be horrible.
there’s also a break point in weapon speed where SoR becomes better than SoC, I think it’s like anything faster than 3.5 attack speed and SoR becomes better.
5% physical reduction is nothing, that’s like what, an extra 2 damage off of each enemy attack?
the 10 dps (assuming an enemy has a 2.0 attack speed) is huge, bigger if you’re fighting 2+ mobs or they have a fast attack speed. This damage also isn’t reduced by armor since it’s holy.
devo is only good if you dump 5 talent points into it, and that’s a huge waste of points.