Does RunSlashCmd work in macros?

I’m not sure it’s possible but everything I’ve read indicates this should work, but doesn’t. I’m trying to make a time delayed macro to activate Fetch when out of combat.

/run C_Timer.After(3, function() RunSlashCmd("/stopmacro [combat]") RunSlashCmd("/use [@target,exists,dead] Fetch") RunSlashCmd("/targetlasttarget") RunSlashCmd("/use [@target,exists,dead] Fetch") UIErrorsFrame:Clear() end)

Is RunSlashCmd limited or restricted from use in macro’s? Even something simple doesn’t work like:

/run C_Timer.After(0, function() RunSlashCmd("/say cheese") end)

Pretty sure all the slash commands you’re trying to execute are protected (including /say outside of dungeons/raids).