Looks to me like some nice changes, more survivability and mobility.
I haven’t played it in arena yet, but I don’t think more survivability and mobility is going to save this spec. I think it will still be the same problem of Ret just not doing enough to be relevant. The dps is ok but nothing that any of the top specs (lock, feral, SP etc.) can’t beat. Plus, no mortal strike and mediocre cc etc.
Anyone tried it yet and felt a noticeable difference?
Oh its got secret tech, and im not talking about it. But lets say ret is great
Only thing worth mentioning is the being able to dshield during forbearamce. Makes you survive a few secomds more compared to before. Other than that it actually feels weaker idk how to describe it
Wall still trash, sov still pops in a global or two, healing still in the tank all the “support” healing talents in the class tree undertuned a f.
Idk day 1 only did random bgs skirmishes and korraks and it actually felt bad. That 4% haste loss is 100% noticeable.
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I don’t play a Paladin, but I’ve seen so many people complaining about this 4% haste loss. Is it really that bad? Maybe I just don’t care about this sort of thing that much, but I don’t know that I could ever feel a 4% drop in a secondary stat.
4% haste amounts to a 0.06 second reduction in a GCD. Doubt anyone but teenagers fueled up on 2 tons of energy drinks could tell the difference.
But what is noticable is the loss of 4% haste in addition to the removal of Seal of Order (10% generator cd reduction). That amounts to about 1-1.5 second longer cooldown on all Holy Power generating abilities. And makes Ret have a lot more open GCD’s than before.
Doesn’t feel too bad in PvE, but not having anything to press for a second or two in PvP got to feel terrible.
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Whats the secret tech send me ingamr mail if u wanna keep it secret