Does Remix have a lvl 60 level cap for non-DF accounts?

I’m an Altoholic. I have multiple accounts; 2 have Dragonflight, but none of the others do. My 2 Dragonflight accounts are maxed on characters. It looks like we will need at least 4 characters and maybe even 13 (1 for each class) in order to collect EVERYTHING from Remix. In order to do that, I need to do this on an account with free slots.
Now, they have said that this content will be available whether you have DF or not. They also explicitly said that Starter accounts will be able to do it but the level cap will still be 20. So, the question is: does an account without dragonflight get level capped at 60 in Remix?
I really would like an official answer for this as it impacts my purchasing decisions. I am perfectly happy to add game time to a dormant account in order to enjoy this event. However, I don’t think I am willing to buy DF all over again just so I can actually do the whole thing. If this has been answered elsewhere, please point me to it.

Remix is a Dragonflight feature, part of Patch 10.2.7, so I would assume that your account needs to have Dragonflight in order to create a remix character.

Just curious how you are getting the 13 characters? All of the armor rewards are account bound, and can be learned by 1 toon. You would want at least 1 Horde and 1 Alliance however. The only thing I have not yet heard to be announced account-wide are the weapon transmogs. And, as there are personal loot, they are class based. I am very much hoping this is an oversight, as the need to create characters just for weapon drops goes against all of the account wide transmog they are moving towards.

As I said in the initial post, Blizz have already said that Remix is available to Non-DF and to Trial accounts (which are also non-DF).
Here is the exact wording:

Available to Everyone

No expansion purchase is needed, but a World of Warcraft Subscription or Game Time is required to begin this fast-paced adventure through Pandaria. This means that Classic players can also participate in a plethora of pandamonium by simply installing the modern (live) World of Warcraft client.

WoW Trial Accounts will also be able to experience this WoW Remix without a subscription or Game Time through level 20. Purchase a subscription or Game Time to continue beyond level 20.

The conundrum is if Trials are limited to 20 (like Trials always are), are non-DF account limited to 60 as well.

Blizz has said that remix characters will be transferred to regular retail characters after Remix is over. So even if you can level to 70 in Remix, you aren’t going to be able to log into it once Remix is over, unless it coincides with them making Dragonflight the default expac like they always do. Just looking at the timing of everything, my guess is remix will be ending around the time of the pre-patch, so it may not matter and that’s why they are allowing all characters to play regardless of expansion purchase.

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