Looks like with yesterday’s announcement.
We can all agree that Razer Synapse software sounds really suspicious as you can create “macros” in a third party Software so it is not a 1:1 action.
Looks like with yesterday’s announcement.
We can all agree that Razer Synapse software sounds really suspicious as you can create “macros” in a third party Software so it is not a 1:1 action.
If it works like I know G Hub does, it should be fine. Since the macro is only sent to the active window. If you combine it with something to send input to inactive windows, then that software would be the problem.
Using the macro feature of synapse to push multiple buttons for you in a single key press has always been against the rules.
If you want to do multiple things with one button, the WoW macro and addon system are there to allow you to do that within a Blizzard controlled environment without breaking the rules.
Also repeaters right, thank you for the clarification I hope Blizzard take action on those cheaters using Razer Synapse
Also this. If you’re using it to TAS the game you’re gonna get got anyway for botting.
A lot of people dont realize how insanely game breaking macro keyboards and mouse actually are in some ways because of how they can streamline a lot of processes not allowed in the default game UI macro system.
Agree!, I really believe those guys should be banned, Let’s see if Blizzard can detect Razer Synapse as a third party program and ban those guys for good
Yep. I love Synapse and use it in many games and production software where its allowed, cause I can do some things that really improve quality of life with it.
But Blizzard has always been clear, one button press one action. So macros and stuff that can be done with keyboards and mice are a no-go here if you would like to not risk your account falling out of good standing.
They are not going to ban people for using Razor Synapse as that would create too many false positives for ANYONE with a razor product. If they catch you macro boting (which is stupid easy to catch) It doesnt matter if you use Auto Hot Key or Synapse. Youll get actioned for it.
Most of the people running bots use more advanced bots than simple macro action bots.
They should as this is agains ToS if they are going to detect Third party programs they should literally do it or have clarification.
You can create a sequence in Razer Synapse that does simple tasks this is automation.
So this is baneable use third party program.
No. They should NOT blanket ban people for using game pads over keyboard and mouse. They SHOULD ban people for using them in game breaking ways. Stop trying to conflate Synapse to what blizzard is banning with Multi boxing programs. If your going to go down this path we should also ban the in game Marco system as it allows you to do multiple actions on a single button.
You should not be banned for having the software that comes with your keyboard or mouse or gamepad installed.
You should be actioned if you use that software in ways inconsistent with the rules of the game.
If you buy a keyboard from a multi-boxer software. Does that means should be allow to operate as such ?
Interesting, so the argument here is that macro keyboards are just as bad for the health of the game as multiboxers? Sorry but no macro in the world can you the power of 5-10 characters. Even if I had a macro that did my rotation perfectly (which it can’t btw because of latency issues) I would still get dumpstered by a 5v1 fight.
Now if you’re talking about programs like Auto Hot Key, then thats a completely different story. That program, and others like it, can allow players to do some crazy inhuman things and thats why programs like that are banned from most online games.
Uggh you are just the worst.
Possibly, although not exactly a keyboard per se, but there are legitimate ways of using hardware to continue to multibox that are not against the updated rules.
True, I guess if they are using only device drivers should be fine.
Losing 5v1 is working as intended.
Not when its 1 player playing 5 characters.
1 character losing to 5 characters is exactly the outcome that is expected.